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令人惊异的是,盖奇没有死。Amazingly, Gage was not killed.

计量器具与生产仪表等得标定。Equipment and rulers and gage demarcate.

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他采用一种计量表检查燃油压力。He used a gage to check the fuel pressure.

目光直刺我的心。His reproachful gage speared into my heart.

菲尼亚斯·盖奇又坐了起来,说"哦"And Phineas Gage sat down and went, "Uh, oh."

传统的例子是应变仪装置。The classical examples are strain gage devices.

电脑专家约翰·盖格帮助了阿校连接网络。Scientist John Gage helped to wire Arundel School.

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处理计量器具外部检定或校准业务。To handle outside gage verification or calibration.

答案几乎是肯定的——不能,盖奇博士说道。The answer, Dr. Gage says, is, almost certainly, no.

这是对盖奇当时状况的描述。Here's a description at the time of what Gage was like.

抵押物已登记的先于未登记的受偿。The registered gage has priority to the unregistered gage.

大约一百年前,菲尼亚斯·盖奇是一名建筑工人Phineas Gage was a construction worker about 100 years ago.

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衡量这个自由的尺度,与这个自由的象征,就是主权国家。The gage and emblem of this freedom is the sovereign state.

我听说盖奇先生有女朋友,哦,真的?那真可惜。I heard Mr. Gage has a girlfriend. Oh, really?That's too had.

加茨已不再是加茨了",认识他的人们都这么说。"Gage is no longer Gage, " the people who knew him would say.

我听说盖奇先生有女朋友。哦,真的?那真可惜。I hear Mr. Gage has a girlfriend. oh, really? that 's too bad.

我听说盖奇先生有女朋友。哦,真的?那真可惜。I hear Mr. Gage have a girlfriend. Oh, really? That's too bad.

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评审工装和检具价格分解表-同RFQ中表。Review the tooling and gage breakdown. as submitted in the RFQ.

这两短语的共同意思是“把…归因于…”。These two townes were attributed to Flaunders by reason of gage.

上述线路图是用来说明应变计的作用原理的。The above circuit serves to illustrate the principle of the gage.