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就是说,等我上你那天,我已经老了?So the day l shag you, l'm old?

粗毛地毯已经不流行了。The shag carpet is out of style.

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对于“沙格袋”来说,这已经足够好了。That's good enough for "Shag Bag."

您50年前就这么干了吗?Could you shag like that 50 years ago?

我不可能是他有过的最佳性伙伴。I can't be the best shag he's ever had.

它的核心,英俊的,也别被瘸腿的、哑口无声。Shag it, handsome, and don't be lame, dumb.

时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮羹。When wheat and wild around hirsute, strong as shag boiled soup.

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但愿我能学到一招半式,别说有50年的时光可以享受了啊!If only I could shag like that now, let alone in 50 years' time!

我一头浓浓的黑发最近刚被剪短成一种蓬松的发型。My thick, black hair had been recently cut short into a shag style.

床第之事的观念和行为在37年中已经改变很多,不只是粗绒小毛毯之类了。A lot has changed in the bedroom in 37 years, and not just the shag rug.

他是一个汗毛很重的矮个子,光着脚站在深桔色的地毯上。He stood with bare feet in deep orange shag a hairy man of small stature.

人们讨厌娘娘腔儿。你总是哭哭啼啼的话。没人会愿意跟你上床的。People hate sissies. No ones ever gonna shag you if you cry all the time.

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排名最尾的是印度和中国,平均每个人有3个性伴侣。Bottom of the shag pile come India and China, with an average of 3 sexual partners each.

使蓬松干枯的头发顺滑自然,带来柔韧顺滑的秀发。The hair with sere shag arranges slippery nature, bring withy arrange slippery beautiful hair.

使用药物一袋,尼克西取出他的女友萨米,为沙格和一个好时机。With a pocketful of drugs, Nick West takes out his girlfriend Sammy, for a shag and a good time.

在这里,还可以看到自然生态环境中的小蓝企鹅和斯图尔特岛鹭鸶。The Little Blue Penguin and the Stewart Island Shag can also be seen here in their natural environment.

读苏东坡诗句“时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮山羹。”Su reading a poem "the wild around the water chestnut wheat demand, strong as a mountain soup cooking shag."

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你或许只是因为以往的缘故想风流一把,但你前任或许想通过这为了双方关系死灰复燃做最后一搏。You might be having a shag for old times' sake, but your ex may be doing it as a desperate bid to rekindle the relationship.

你或许只是因为以往的缘故想风流一把,但你前任或许想通过这为了双方关系死灰复燃做最后一搏。You might be having a shag for old times’ sake, but your ex may be doing it as a desperate bid to rekindle the relationship.

寺内分前殿、后殿、祖堂及两侧僧舍厢房共一千几百米的建筑。Temple points Front Hall, rear, ancestral hall, and a total of 1000 rooms on both sides of the shag a few hundred meters of the building.