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请愿书很快就送去吗?Will the petition go soon?

请愿警告了那判罪先生。The petition warned that convicting Mr.

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呈请书的其余部分如下所示。The rest of the petition follows below.

他们拒盔了他的褥籍申请。They rejected petition for naturalization.

我的L-1申请可向美国在国外的机构申请吗?。Can my L-1 petition be filed outside the U.

许多人问,我要建设一份陈情书。Many people ask, I want to make a petition.

她读了不一会儿,眼神炯炯有光,呼吸急速。The little girl began to read the petition.

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你的努力简简单单,就是一种请愿。Your efforts can simply begin as a petition.

他们向当局递呈请愿书。They presented a petition to the authorities.

这些名字都将被添加到请愿书中。These names will all be added to the petition.

目前,在请愿书上签名的支持者已达到4000人。So far, the petition has about 4000 signatures.

被控指邪术之保释人诉状。Petition for bail from accused witches, ca. 1692.

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地方法院受理了她的离婚申请。The local court received her petition for divorce.

赵亮和他的〈上访〉均被提及。Zhao and "Petition" were actually mentioned by name.

查尔斯最后于1628年六月同意了请愿法。Charles finally acceded to the Petition in June 1628.

现连同此项呈请书提交一份本人的资产负债状况说明书。A statement of my affairs is filed with th is petition.

准备上访先获罪社会黑不黑…Petition for first convicted of social black not black?

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他们说那,因为我们诉请,在Yunfeng是21之前。They say that because we petition before Yunfeng is 21.

推进美国签署京都议定书的请愿书。US petition drive towards ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.

然而,纳扎尔巴耶夫拒绝了议会的呈请。But Mr Nazarbayev has turned down parliament’s petition.