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一件蓬松的红狐皮大衣。A shaggy red fox coat.

她的宠物是一只毛粗而蓬松的狗。Her PET is a shaggy dog.

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宠物是一只毛粗而蓬松的狗。Her pet is a shaggy dog.

蒂姆留着蓬乱的长发。Tim has longish, shaggy hair.

和一根毛发蓬松的头发一只骆马做!A llama with a shaggy hair do!

这条狗长著一身长长的蓬松的毛。The dog has a long and shaggy coat.

看似要讲的将是一只长毛狗的故事,那样你就想错了。It sounds like a shaggy dog story, but it isn't.

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1973年他们买了一处有150年历史、草木丛生的农家住宅。In1973 they bought a shaggy 150-year-old farmhouse.

蓬乱的褐色头发、旧牛仔裤、黑框眼镜。Shaggy brown hair, worn jeans, black-rimmed glasses.

她该卖透明的被单还是毛发蓬松的披肩?Should she sell sheer sheets or should she sell shaggy shawls?

不错,这是我的新故事,它讲述了长毛袈身的树栖人的故事。Yes, it's my new story about tree guys. They are hairy and shaggy.

他们朝森林的方向出发,途经一片遍地是废弃干草的荒地。They struck out for the woods across a shaggy field of wasting hay.

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北美山胡桃树,有蓬松的灰色的表面粗糙的树皮和可食用的果儿。North American hickory having loose gray shaggy bark and edible nuts.

心外膜表面可见粗糙的纤维蛋白渗出物。The epicardial surface of the heart shows a shaggy fibrinous exudate.

“已经发现了很多粒子”他说,“谁会在乎这样一个长而杂乱而且蹩脚的故事?It becomes a long shaggy -dog story with a lame punch line. Who cares?

高处山坡上的牛变得毛皮杂乱粗糙。The cattle on the higher slopes were becoming shaggy and rough-coated.

顾客︰我只要修一下就好了。我比较喜欢蓬松又有点乱的发型。Customer︰I'd just like a trim. I prefer keeping my hair a little shaggy.

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基洛爱牛长而蓬乱的毛发能帮助它们抵御寒冬和多雨的天气。Their long shaggy hair protects them from the cold winters and rainy weather.

仁的父亲是个身材高大的人,长着浓密的眉毛和粗乱的头发。Hitoshi's father had been a giant of a man with bushy eyebrows and shaggy hair.

这头骆驼现在穿着蓬松的冬装,当天气转暖的时候它的厚毛就会脱掉。This one has its shaggy winter coat, which it will shed when the weather warms.