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舰炮的弹药箱。Ammunition for a naval gun.

她爸爸是一位海军军官。Herf ather is a naval officer.

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纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。Admiral nelson was a naval officer.

他曾就读于美国海军学院。He attended the U.S. Naval Academy.

他参加过一次大海战。He took part in a great naval battle.

军港的夜啊静悄悄。Oh, the naval port at night is quiet!

它过去曾是皇家海军学院。It used to be the Royal Naval College.

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他们夺回军港中的一个要塞。They retook a fortress in the naval port.

我们期望海军分遣队到来。The naval contingent was expected to come.

他是美国海军军事学院的院长。He was head of America's Naval War College.

海军军官捧腹大笑,连费伯也微微地笑了。The naval officer cackled and Faber smiled.

舰艇舷窗为什么都是圆的?Why must portholes of naval ships be round?

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中越两国海军完成联合巡逻。China, Vietnam complete joint naval patrols.

我们应保持陆海军的适度规模。Our land and naval forces should be moderate.

其他越南海军舰艇也前来协助。Other Vietnamese naval ships also came to help.

新版里海军将领也有围城值。In 1.16, naval leaders will also get siege pips.

今天对美国海军学院的毕业生来说是个大日子。Big day for graduates of the U. S. naval academy.

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北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China.

在海军方面,德国人也是实行同样的掩饰手段。In the naval sphere similar evasions were practised.

与父亲一样,他希望成为海军飞行员。Like his father, he hopes to become a naval aviator.