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新的事物每天都在出现。New things emerge day after day.

最终就有了神灵的降临。Eventually gods will begin to emerge.

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三周后,工蜂出房。Three weeks later, worker bees emerge.

为什麽「地球是平面的」故事会出现?。Why might the flat-earth story emerge?

问题是谁最终会站在权利最高点。The question is who will emerge on top.

她看见洛蒂从灌木丛里钻出来。She saw Lottie emerge from the shrubbery.

桌椅可从地板下升上来。The desk and chair emerge from the floor.

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出现了新漏洞和新威胁。New vulnerabilities and new threats emerge.

个人利益也能孕育出合作。Cooperation can emerge out of self-interest.

没有道学也可以产生无道文化。Without Daoism, Daoless culture will emerge.

难以数计的蚊子从水塘中冒出。They emerge from the pools in their billions.

她跟库萨帕里从你的卧室走出。She and Koothrappali emerge from your bedroom.

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过了一会,松散的联盟开始出现。After a while, loose alliances began to emerge.

蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land.

不确定的是它将以怎样的形式出现。What's uncertain is precisely how it will emerge.

鹿死谁手尚难逆料。It's still hard to tell who will emerge victorious.

欲望在什么时候发生,在什么环境中萌发?When does it happen? And what conditions it emerge?

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自我牺牲会在自然选择中出现吗?Would self-sacrificing emerge in natural selection?

风儿叩开我们的心扉,让爱如潮水般涌来。And open our hearts, let love emerge like tidewater.

同时在宗教批判中逐渐形成了法国式的自然神论。And emerge French-style Deism in the religious criticism.