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如果我盯着看你使你不舒服了,我很抱歉。made you feel uncomfortable.

是的,野营就是遭罪。Yes, camping is uncomfortable.

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那让我太难受了。It was too uncomfortable I had.

有时候,是十分的不舒适。Sometimes v-e-r-y uncomfortable.

这看起极其不舒服。This looks terribly uncomfortable.

他的冷笑使我很不舒服。I was uncomfortable with his sneer.

她穿着紧的长统靴感到不舒适。She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.

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事实上,在那种状态下会有点不舒适。In fact,it's a little bit uncomfortable.

极端的虔诚是一种并不舒适的感受。Religiosity is a very uncomfortable feeling.

因为太脏,这张床睡得不舒服。The bed was uncomfortable because too dirty.

这种期望让党有些许不安。And that is a bit uncomfortable for the Party.

在她回答时,赵亮看上去很不自在。Mr. Zhao looked uncomfortable as she answered.

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她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。She felt uncomfortable for his licentious act.

粘乎乎的太妃糖弄得我的牙齿很不舒服。The sticky toffee made my teeth uncomfortable.

每次进浴室我都会觉得不舒服。I started to feel uncomfortable in the bathroom.

每个人都安全,但显而易见很不舒服。Everyone is safe, though obviously uncomfortable.

他过分的亲暱使她不舒服。His excessive familiarity made her uncomfortable.

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他生硬的笑使我们感到很不舒服。His mirthless smile made all of us uncomfortable.

她似乎对妻很不屑,这或多或少让我心里不太舒服。Her words more or less made me feel uncomfortable.

要是这会让你不自在的话,可以不用跟我说。You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable.