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重生不可从它的果子分开。Inseparability of regeneration from its fruits.

思维和思维者的存在简单的不可分性。The simple inseparability of the thought and being of the thinker.

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服务贸易具有不可分离性、不可触知性、不可储存性等特点。The service trade has the inseparability , cannot touch, not storability and so on.

心的真实本性其实是明空不二的,「明」与「空」两者并没有不同。In actuality, the true nature of the mind is the inseparability of luminosity and emptiness.

用三维线性不可分矢量验证了这种方法的可行性。The feasibility of this method is proved using three dimension vectors of linear inseparability.

克服这种不可分性的方法是使用银行信用卡,它使银行服务的分销具有灵活性。One way of overcoming the inseparability factor is the use of bank credit cards, whereby the service is transferable.

这个故事不仅迎合了人们内心深处对成功的向往,也强调了过程和结果的不可分离。The story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result.

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这个故事不仅迎合了人们内心深处对成功的向往,也强调了过程和结果的不可分离。Thee story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result.

组织变革和组织冲突有着十分密切的关系,他们是一组密不可分的结合体。The organization changes and organizes the conflict to have the very close relationship, they are a set of to inseparability combine the body.

在资本限额的条件下,一方面人力资本的不可分散性增加代理成本,另一方面资本市场的效率缺失降低代理成本。In the case of capital limit, the inseparability of human capital increases agency cost while the absence of capital market efficiency decreases it.

现代科学和技术的不可分割性质决定了科学教育已发展成为科技教育。Modern science education has developed into science and technology education, which is determined by the inseparability between science and technology.

东西方的古老智慧不断告诉我们,个体和群体之不可分割及相互依存之道。The ancient wisdom of the East and the West constantly teaches us the lesson of the inseparability and the interdependence of the individual and the group.

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服务的生产和消费的不可分离性导致服务业跨国公司的进入模式大不同于制造业跨国公司的进入模式。The inseparability between production and consumption in service makes the entry mode of the service multinationals quite different from the manufacture multinationals.

本文论述了速写与素描的不可分割性和高职教学中速写对素描在应用性人才培养中的重要性。So is in formal colleges. This article discusses the inseparability of literary sketch and sketch and importance of literary sketch to sketch in training practical talents.

本文首先通过与某些自然标识符号的比较,讨论语言符号的能指与所指的不可分离性,即语言符号的整体性。Through comparing linguistic sign with some natural index, this paper discusses the inseparability between signifier and signified of linguistic sign, ie the unity of linguistic sign.

服务的生产和消费的不可分离性导致服务业跨国公司的进入模式大不同于制造业跨国公司的进入模式。The inseparability between production and consumption in service industries makes the entry mode of the sen'ices multinationals very different from that of the manufacture multinationals.