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你是隋东文吗?Are you Dongwen Sui?

有一个名叫毛遂的人,自告奋勇愿意同去。A man called Mao Sui volunteered.

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遂昌凯恩大酒店真城欢迎您的到来!Welcome to the Sui Chang Kan Hotel!

相反,林肯则是独一无二的。Lincoln, in contrast, is sui generis.

但它也可能自成一类。But it is just as likely to be sui generis.

隋至唐属河间郡或瀛州。Sui Zhi Tang is a county or Yeongju Hejian.

节日起源于隋朝。gigli. Festival originated from the sui dynasty.

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冯瑞兴校长致欢迎词。Principal Fung Sui Hing giving the welcome speech.

睢县方言属河南方言豫东片。Sui county dialect belongs to eastern Henan Dialect.

隋唐以后的龙门石窟才出现。After the Sui and Tang Dynasties Longmen Grottoes only.

天水围不应被视为一个没有前景的地区。Tin Sui Wai should not be labelled as a doomed district.

安娜苏的事业历程是一个典型的美国成功故事。The career of Anna Sui is a classic American success story.

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隋炀帝本人就是一个汉族与鲜卑族的混血帝王。Sui Yangdi is a mixed blood emperor between Han and Xianbei.

隋朝短暂,很快被唐朝取代。Short-lived Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, will soon be replaced.

再次,关于隋唐时期的僧尼角色冲突。Again, about part conflict of monastic in Sui and Tang dynasty.

第三部分重点探讨了隋代书法的历史贡献。The third part is about contribution of history of Sui Dynasty.

伊云飞邃将烟点着,吸了一口。Yi cloud flies Sui to order smoke and absorbed an one mouthful.

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公元七世纪初,唐朝代隋而兴。In the early seventh century, the Tang Dynasty replaced the Sui.

安娜苏以专注于能打动她的事物而著称。Anna Sui is known for her commitment to the things that move her.

手工抄写是隋代出版的唯一手段。Hand transcribing is the only means of publishing in Sui Dynasty.