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帐户名内不能出现反斜线。No backslash is in the account name.

用户名称中不能包含反斜线。The user name cannot contain a backslash.

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输入命令时切勿使用反斜杠。When entering the command, do not use the backslash.

字元都会被自动加上一个反斜线进行转义。Characters are escaped with a backslash automatically.

因此不要在命令中输入反斜杠。Do not enter the backslash as not part of the command.

这还有\r,谁知道\r代表什么?There's also this backslash R. Anyone know what backslash R is?

输入命令时切勿使用反斜杠。When entering the command, do not use the backslash characters.

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要想引用没有名称空间的类,需要加上一个反斜杠。To refer to non-namespaced classes, you need to put a lone backslash.

请注意,脱字符号前面加了一个反斜杠从而成为“转义”字符。Note that the caret becomes "escaped" by placing a backslash in front of it.

在实际文件中,由反斜杠分隔的行必须出现在单一行上。In practice, the lines separated by a backslash must appear on a single line.

但没有“反斜杠n“,反斜杠n是用来使光标移到下一行的。There's no backslash n -- that would have forced the cursor on to the next row.

这个目录必须根据操作系统以适当的斜线或反斜线结尾。The directory must end with a slash or backslash as apropriate for the operating system.

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特定动态值的自定义扩展是使用一系列反斜杠字符来实现的。Custom expansions of specific dynamic values are achieved with a series of backslash characters.

由于某些必要原因,我们还得加上\n,后引号,圆括号,分号,后大括号。For some reason I had this backslash N, a close quote, parenthesis, semicolon, close curly brace.

特别说明,如果你想匹配这两个字符中的任何一个,就必须用反斜线进行转义。Again, if you want to match either of these characters verbatim, you must use an escaping backslash.

如果需要跨多个行运行一条语句,只需要使用反斜杠作为续行符。If you need to run a statement across multiple lines, the continuation marker is a single backslash.

特别说明,如果你想逐一匹配这些字符中的任何一个,你就必须用反斜线。Again, if you want to match either of these characters verbatim , you must use an escaping backslash.

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注意反斜线符号必须是该行的尾字符——不允许有注释或空格符。Note that the backslash must be the last thing on the lineno comments or trailing blanks are allowed.

当在宏中使用宏参数名称时,在名称前面加上一个反斜线。A backslash precedes the name of each argument of the macro when the name is actually used inside a macro.

需要有反斜线。此参数若为空,函数使用当前目录的根目录。A trailing backslash is required. If this parameter is NULL, the function uses the root of the current directory.