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我的猫咪从来不说"喵".My kitten never says, "Meow."

你的新车太棒了。Your new car is the cat's meow.

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你的新车是最棒的。Your new car is the cat's meow.

现在,你家的宠物是在说"meow"还是"om"?Now, was that a "meow" or an "om"?

喵也想被摸头的样子。I think Meow wants to be petted too.

这也是为什么我老豆总是叫你喵喵。This is why my father calls you Meow.

其他的语句可能是“play,sound,meowAnd another one might be "play sound meow."

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其他的语句可能是“play,sound,meow,“And another one might be "play sound meow."

我们看看这个,所有的猫都会叫。Okay so lets have a look at this one. All cats meow.

认识小花猫及其生活习性,学会发“喵”的音。Know cat and its life habit, learn to send "meow" sound.

这种喵呜实际上是猫儿得意时的叫声,但是混合了高频率的哭泣声。This meow is actually a purr mixed with a high-pitched cry.

开始,皮特想他听到了一只小猫的啼声。First, Peter thought he heard the meow of one little kitten.

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我藏到那张椅子后面,然后开始“喵呜”的叫着,一切像有魔法一样。I hid behind the chair, and I started to meow. It worked like magic.

我有一只抓老鼠的猫,现在在房间里能到处能听到“喵喵”。I got a cat to chase the mouse, Now I hear "meow, meow" around the house.

美国人或说某样东西是猫的喵或者猫的睡衣。Americans might say that something is the cat's meow and the cat'spyjamaspajamas.

男孩儿们对楼外,叫唤的猫很感兴趣。There is a cat outside the apartment building that starts to meow and the boys are interested in it.

啾。不过那只是一只苍蝇。哞。我想我会哭。喵。她毫无预料的吞下了苍蝇。汪。噢,天啊!Tweet. But it's only a fly. Moo. I think I'll cry. Meow. She gulped it out of the sky. Woof. Oh, My!

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作为一个研究哺乳动物间有声交流的科学家,她决定去调查这种有操纵性的喵呜声。As a scientist who studies vocal communication in mammals, she decided to investigate the manipulative meow.

当受试者观看每张图片时他们将同时听到一个相匹配的声音,例如当看一个猫时,他们会听到一声猫叫。When the subjects saw each image, they also heard a matching noise—for instance, on seeing a cat, they heard a meow.

这里远离尘嚣,偶有小猫的叫声和风吹过杨树发出的窸窣声。Here the world drops away. The only sounds are the occasional meow of a cat and the wind rustling through cottonwood trees.