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第三,你将有一种感到无法想象而造成的眩晕感。Third, you'll have the vertiginous sensation of your mind boggling.

首先是爱情的冲击,伴随着眼花缭乱的情感迸发和环绕在脊梁背上的甜蜜热火。First the shock of love with its vertiginous rush and the sweet fire in his spine.

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这里没有悬崖峭壁般头晕目眩,没有幽闭,没有使人疲惫的声响,没有噪音的混乱。There was no cliff-edge vertiginous quality, no claustrophobia, no killing acoustic, no confusing of atmosphere with noise.

相对劳动力成本,运输费用所占比例很小,去年冬天大幅下跌,现在已有反弹。Transport costs are a small fraction of labor costs, but they are now rebounding from a vertiginous plunge over the winter.

鞋过去,现在和未来的集合将笼罩眩晕塔由数以百计的填海抽屉单位。Shoes from past, present and future collections will be hung over vertiginous towers made from hundreds of reclaimed drawer units.

令人目眩的起伏摇摆蜿蜒曲折的迷宫,作为我们深层记忆的视觉,体现质疑我们的人性。This vertiginous contrast of the wavy zigzags way-in and way-out questions our humanity as the materialization of our innermost memory.

他带我们参观令人目眩的梯田——目前种植着梅洛和赤霞珠——之时,我和我的妻子攀爬着才能赶上他的脚步。My wife and I scramble to keep up with him as he shows us around the vertiginous terraces now planted with merlot and cabernet sauvignon vines.

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然后跟着他在现在和维多利亚时代来回穿梭,快到令人摸不着头脑,谁敢说“现在”就一定是我们的世界?The rest of the episode shuttles back and forth at a vertiginous pace between present day and the Victorian era, and whos to say how real even the present day is?

方法建立实验性血管性眩晕气虚血瘀证家兔模型,以西比灵胶囊为阳性对照药进行比较,观察眩晕定方干预前后血液流变学和脑血流图等改变情况。Methods The vascular vertiginous model rabbits with QDBS were prepared, and compared with medicine sibelium, the effects of XYD on REG and blood rheology in these models were evaluated.

霍恩峰高耸在我们上方,它的高达4,695英尺的顶峰笼罩在云雾中,耸峙的山岩因成群的管鼻藿,三指鸥,海鸠等海鸟的无休止的鸣叫而变得生动起来,这座山也因此而得到了它的诨号。Above us towers Horn Peak, its 4, 695ft summit lost in clouds and vertiginous cliffs, alive with thousands of fulmars, kittiwakes and guillemots whose incessant din gives the mountain its nickname.