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你是很强大的。You are powerful.

不可思议的吸引力Incredibly powerful.

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啤酒真是够劲,跟毒品似的。Beer is a powerful drug.

他的发球强有力。He has a powerful serve.

张操志是个勇武之人。Zhang was a powerful man.

这酒力很强。The wine is very powerful.

它有强烈的芳香。They have a powerful aroma.

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你的脑袋是非常强大的。Your mind is very powerful.

白宫的讲坛强大无比。The bully pulpit is powerful.

“军械库”是颇有影响力的品牌。“Armory” is a powerful brand.

一股洪流喷薄而出。A powerful current spurted out.

这出戏的煞尾很带劲。The play has a powerful ending.

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人参是一种强力的补品。Ginseng is a powerful adaptogen.

powerset最厉害的是什么呢?What is powerful about Powerset?

那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.

这是一个强有力的谈判利器。It was a powerful bargaining tool.

这种鞭炮的爆炸力极强。This firecracker is very powerful.

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米尔格林姆有惊人的想象力。Milgram had a powerful imagination.

我们发挥的影响力是很强大的。The influence we exert is powerful.

每个翼尖都有强大的武器。Each wingtip holds powerful weapons.