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延迟的另一个来源是错误传达。Another source of delays is miscommunication.

然而这个小小的沟通失误让小周哭了。But the simple miscommunication left Ms. Chou in tears.

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许多的错误和过失都归咎于沟通有误。Many mistakes and misdoings happened due to miscommunication.

很多关于中国的误解在某种程度上都因交流不畅造成。Many misunderstanding of China are to some extent a result of miscommunication.

不论在哪里存在角色、目标和劳动力的划分,都存在错误传达。Miscommunication exists wherever there's a division of roles, goals, and labor.

我们已为减少两国间的误解和误会采取了行动。We have acted to lessen misperceptions and miscommunication between our countries.

但不行的是,由于对科学的沟通不到位,不安的最后产物只能是恐惧。Unfortunately, through the miscommunication of science, fear is usually the end-product.

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不要让撒旦通过沟通不畅使你们婚姻产生纷争的计谋得宠。Don't let Satan's plan to cause strife in your marriage through miscommunication succeed.

在大多数情况下,这种误解发生的时候,其实没有人在说谎。In the vast majority of cases where this type of miscommunication occurs, no one is lying.

“2009年当时听起来像是有些交流不畅,”斯科内特先生说。“It sounds like there may have been some miscommunication back in 2009,” Mr. Schnitt said.

当人们用两种文化沟通时,将不会出现传达信息错误。Miscommunication will arise when people from the two cultures contact. Charlies Hawkins, a U.

至少你会获得某些一致性,并减少错误传达的可能。You will then achieve some consistency at least and reduce the potential for miscommunication.

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正如前面讨论的,这可能会导致误解,可能会延长开发周期。As previously discussed, this can lead to miscommunication and tends to slow down the development cycle.

如果你打电话进行交往,打完后要写下一份书面实录,以防止误解。If you communicate by phone, follow up with a confirmation in writting to guard against miscommunication.

另一个问题所造成的误解是克洛泽的精神和隐藏属性的930分贝。The other problem caused by the miscommunication is Miroslav Klose's mental and hidden attributes in 930 DB.

金星的逆行,总会伴随这对罗曼蒂克错误判断。While Venus retrogrades , there is always the possibility of a miscommunication or error in judgment regarding romance.

然而这个小小的沟通失误让小周哭了。她流着泪接了几杯汽水,然后休息了片刻。But the simple miscommunication left Ms. Chou in tears. She wept while filling several soda cups and then took a brief break.

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短信、电子邮件以及其他的联络方式是保持交流的好方法,但他们也存在着沟通不畅的风险。Texting, emailing, IMing, DMing. These methods are great ways to keep in touch—but they also carry the risk of miscommunication.

对我而言,这是在一特定上下文假设某种特定含义将会导致无法沟通的又一例证。Seems to me to be yet another case where assumptions about what a particular means in a particular context will lead to miscommunication.

没有必要的误解-说你要表达的意思。清晰的表达。提出问题。把事物分类直到你能理解他们。Unnecessary miscommunication. – Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Speak clearly. Ask questions. Clarify things until you understand them.