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不要养成散漫的生活作风。Don't form an undisciplined way of life.

它们是不科学的,不守纪律。They are unscientific and undisciplined.

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在我看来,传统的开发才是训练不足的。I would argue traditional development is undisciplined.

这个场合被一位尖叫没有规矩的孩子破坏了。The event was ruined by a screaming undisciplined child.

你会为自己轻率任性的行为付出代价的。You will pay for your improvident undisciplined behavior.

你会为自己轻率任性的行为付出代价的。You will pay for your improvident and undisciplined behavior.

事实上,实话告诉你,我认为我自己是一个非常没有纪律的人。In fact, truth be told, I consider myself a very undisciplined person.

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其实真实的情况是,我觉得我自己平时是一个混乱无纪律的人。In fact, truth be told, I consider myself a very undisciplined person.

不喜欢这种方法的人会把它曲解为不守纪律。People who don't like this approach mistakenly suggest it is undisciplined.

无纪律交易的结果通常会招致损失。Being undisciplined with regard to this fact will ultimately result in loss of money.

由于非原则性行为,公司很难危害到社会。It is very difficult for companies to harm the society due to undisciplined practices.

在她儿子的缺席,乔纳森已成为比琳达要更散漫。During her son"s absence, Johnathan has become more undisciplined than Linda would like."

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假如这个本质是没有被规范和被引导,这服务将会没有被规范和被引导。If that nature is undisciplined and unguided, the service will be undisciplined and unguided.

无秩序的混乱--大量混乱的纸张,发霉的咖啡杯--很少会说出奉承的信息。Disorganised chaos – undisciplined piles of paper, mould-filled coffee mugs – speaks less flatteringly.

培养自律是需要时间的,这里的关键是你要对自己无纪律的行为有所意识。Developing self-discipline takes time, and the key here is you are aware of your undisciplined behavior.

正是牛仔广为宣传“敏捷就是无纪律的、针对西部牛仔程序员的方法”的神话。It is the cowboy that has propagated the myth that Agile is an undisciplined approach for wild-west coders.

你周围有多少人表现出“骄傲自满”和“盲目贪多”?How many people around you display signs of "hubris born of success", and "an undisciplined pursuit of more"?

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在商业会议上,男人会觉得出声思考的女人没有逻辑,没有组织性,或者很愚蠢。In a business meeting, men view a woman thinking aloud as being scatterbrained, undisciplined or unintelligent.

某些夜晚,她感觉见面会像是置身于外百老汇秀场,狂热,生死攸关,混乱。Some nights it felt as though the meeting were in fact an Off Off Broadway show, feverish, vital, undisciplined.

我们不应该简单的认为高分的学生都低能,不守规矩的学生才有创造性。We should not hold the simple view that the high scorer lacks of ability while only the undisciplined is creative.