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它们是日本鬼子。They are Japanese.

直子是日本人。Naoko is a Japanese.

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如果,你都是日本人。If, you are Japanese.

日式花生酱?Japanese peanut butter?

我喜欢日本文化。I like Japanese culture.

我想是日本产的。It's Japanese , I think.

我是日本人还是美国人?I'm Japanese or American?

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日本人就行鞠躬礼。Japanese people will bow.

日本人席地而坐。The Japanese sit on mats.

可以是日本价值观。They are Japanese values.

这是日本制造地可以。This is of Japanese make.

什么是日本黄杨木?。What is Japanese Boxwood?

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我可以用日币付吗?Can I pay in Japanese yen ?

我必须把日语学好。I must learn Japanese well.

日本的寿司很有名。Japanese Sushi is very fam.

日本农民种植水稻。Japanese farmers grow rice.

可是你都不会说日语啊。But you can’t speak Japanese.

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我想当一位日本的配音演员。I want to dub Japanese movie.

日本餐是我的最爱。Japanese food is my favorite.

日本人与狗不得入内!NO Dogs and japanese allowed!