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决不能让这些盗贼逍遥法外。The thieves must not go unpunished.

决不允许罪恶的行为逍遥法外。Never allow a sinful act to go unpunished.

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不惩治他会败坏风纪。It would be corrupting discipline to leave him unpunished.

但是在这个地区,好提议却往往得不到认同。But in this area, it seems that no good idea goes unpunished.

不惩治他会败坏军纪。It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.

而他手下冥顽不化而未受惩罚的心腹亲信仍有很多还活着。and some of his unrepentant and unpunished henchmen still remain at large.

那即是说如果酒后驾车没有引起交通违规,他就不会受到处罚。That means drunk driving will go unpunished if it does not cause traffic offences.

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在很多国家,对记者实施暴力攻击者逍遥法外。Violent attacks against journalists are going unpunished in many of the countries.

怎么可能,一个万能的,善良的上帝会允许邪恶的存在,甚至不受到惩罚呢?How can an all-powerful, good God allow so much evil to exist and even go unpunished?

美国白宫、北约以及欧盟都坚持,朝鲜的这一行动必须受到惩罚。The White House, Nato and the EU insisted Pyongyang's action should not go unpunished.

手里捧着一捧冰冷的水,他害怕地抬头看了看,可他心里默默的亵渎之语,并没有受到什么惩罚。He looked up fearfully from his chill handful of water, but his silent blasphemy went unpunished.

办公室农学家和其他形形色色的进步仇恨者是不会让人道主义努力逍遥法外的。Let no humanitarian effort go unpunished by armchair agronomists and other versatile haters of progress.

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办公室农学家和其他形形色色的前进仇恨者是不会让人道主义努力逍遥法外的。Let no humeachitarieach effort go unpunished by wristchair agronomists some other versatile haters of progress.

如果人做坏事是不会逍遥法外的,他始终会受到惩罚,即使他本人没有受罚,它也会影响他的子孙后代。No bad thing ever remains unpunished. It is always punished and if it does not affect the man who made the wrong, it affects his children.

在对土耳其的访问中,法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐表示亲卡扎菲势力的镇压行为是不可容忍的,应该接受惩罚。On a visit to Turkey, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the violence by pro-Gadhafi forces is unacceptable and should not go unpunished.

在对于土耳其的拜候中,法国总统尼古拉斯·萨科齐暗示亲卡扎菲权势的弹压举动是不成宽容忍耐的,应该接管处罚。on a visit to turkey, french president nicolas sarkozy said the violence by pro-gadhafi forces is unacceptable and should not go unpunished.

智行的使命特别地敏感,因为“血浆经济”反映出来的未受惩罚的玩忽职守是许多人非常想永远翻过去的一幕。Chi Heng’s mission is especially sensitive because the unpunished negligence of the plasma economy is a chapter that many would like to forget.

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但是,无论支撑朝鲜挑衅的逻辑是什么,既然已经查明平壤方面是罪魁祸首,就不能让这一攻击行为逃脱惩罚。But whatever the logic underpinning North Korea's aggression, the attack must not pass unpunished now that the blame has been pinned on Pyongyang.

她重返唐府,满腔仇恨地把报复的利剑直指恩人马翠芬,恩将仇报。Her return to the Tang government and filled with hatred and revenge of the sword pointing to the benefactor Ma Cuifen, good deed goes unpunished.

就像以色列面临战争罪的控诉时不享有任何的恩惠一样,它也不应该独自受罚,而其他人则无罪开释。Just as Israel deserves no special favours when it comes to the prosecution of war crimes, so it should not be singled out while others go unpunished.