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嗳呀,你下一次恐怕要我轰炸埃森市了!Why, you will be asking me to bomb Essen next!

这些工程包括于韦斯屈莱市和埃森剧院歌剧院。These works include the Jyvaskyla City Theatre and Essen Opera House.

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昨天在埃森也发生了同样的围堵犹太商场的示威运动。A similar demonstration against Jewish shops took place in Essen yesterday.

德国中西部一城市。是鲁尔河流域埃森的工业城郊。人口54,887。A city of west-central Germany, an industrial suburb of Essen on the Ruhr River. Population, 54,887.

9月18日,周六,我在德国埃森市见证了马自达汽车最宏大的车队列队展示。On Saturday 18th September I travelled to Essen in Germany to witness the largest parade of Mazda cars.

这表明中国机械工程学会、德国埃森展览公司和德国焊接学会的合作是建立在牢固基础之上的。This shows that the cooperative work between CMES, Messe Essen GmbH and DVS stands on a solid foundation.

德国中西部,埃森东北偏东的一座城市,是个煤矿区的工业中心。人口84,084。A city of west-central Germany east-northeast of Essen. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining region. Population, 84,084.

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德国中西部城市,位于埃森北部。建城于世纪,在二战中受到狂轰滥炸。人口72,020。A city of west-central Germany north of Essen. Founded in the th century, it was heavily bombed during World War II. Population, 72,020.

祝2007北京·埃森焊接与切割展览会顺利召开,祝展商和参观者在展会期间心情愉快,取得成功。We hope that "Beijing Essen Welding &Cutting 2007" goes well and wish the exhibitors and visitors pleasant, successful days at the fair.

德国西北部城市,位于埃森西北部的鲁尔山谷中。8世纪'0年代后发展成为煤矿业中心。人口2,353。A city of northwest Germany in the Ruhr Valley northwest of Essen. It developed as a coal-mining center after the 8'0's. Population, 2,353.

德国中部偏西一城市,位于鲁尔河谷,埃森的东北部。是一个主要的工业和采煤中心。人口287,95。A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr Valley northeast of Essen. It is a major industrial and coal-mining center. Population, 287,95'.

德国中部偏西一城市,位于鲁尔河谷,埃森的东北部。是一个主要的工业和采煤中心。人口287,956。A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr Valley northeast of Essen. It is a major industrial and coal-mining center. Population, 287,956.

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非常感谢大家,李为冲博士是埃森哲大中华区副总裁,主要负责电信行业企业战略。Thanks everybody, Dr. Li Weichong is Essen wise China area vice-President, primary cognizance telecommunication profession enterprise strategy.

德国中西部城市,在鲁尔河谷,位于埃森东部。32年成为自治市,是一个工商业中心。人口384,774。A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr Valley east of Essen. Chartered in 32, it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 384,774.

德国中西部城市,在鲁尔河谷,位于埃森东部。1321年成为自治市,是一个工商业中心。人口384,774。A city of west-central Germany in the Ruhr Valley east of Essen. Chartered in 1321, it is an industrial and commercial center. Population, 384,774.

犹如股票的R8没有足够有趣的奥迪一步之遥齿轮当他们宣布版本的经济型轿车轮胎的汽车在去年的Essen车展。As if the stock R8 wasn't interesting enough Audi stepped it up a gear when they announced the GT3 version of the car at last year's Essen Motorshow.

也有一些证据表明,斯特林打算的发挥是一个警告的第一场不幸的妻子,在Baronness苏玛纳西里冯埃森。There is also some evidence that Strindberg intended the play as a warning to the first of his three unfortunate wives, the Baronness Siri von Essen.

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没用过哦,我觉得芬兰艾森瘦身减肥胶囊还是蛮不错,没啥反作用,效果还可以啦,反正是我遇到中比拟好的一款!Oh, never used, I think Finland Essen capsule or lose weight pretty good, nothing counterproductive effects are okay, because it is a good analogy I met in!

我吃芬兰艾森瘦身减肥胶囊中,大约10多天,瘦了差不多6斤,当然最近的生活方式,饮食和肉体方面也都为减肥勤劳了。Essen lose weight I eat capsules Finland, about 10 days, lost almost 6 pounds, of course, the latest lifestyle, diet and body weight also are all the hard work.

菲尼克斯电气于上个世界20年代初在埃森市成立,目前全球共有员工8400人,其中超过3600人在勃郎贝克市的公司总部工作。Founded at the beginning of the 1920s in Essen the company now employs 8400 people worldwide, of which more than 3600 work at the company headquarters in Blomberg.