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狂犬病是也被称为狂犬病。Rabies is also known as hydrophobia.

犬病的动物满是泡沫的嘴巴。A symptom of rabies is foaming at the mouth.

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患狂犬病的动物经常口吐白沫。Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth.

肥皂水含碱性,碱对狂犬病毒有破坏作用。The caustic soap water can destroy the rabies virus.

我当时以为这是一只大老鼠。I thought it was a field rat. I thought it had rabies.

在狂犬病潜伏期,有一非常短的兴奋期。In dumb rabies there is a very short excitation phase.

然后,当然,你称之为狂犬病“And then, of course, you would call that virus "rabies."

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不过,貂儿接种预防狂犬病疫苗还是至关重要。Still, it is vital to vaccinate your ferret against rabies.

它们可能将狂犬病等疾病传染给其他动物。They can transfer rabies and other diseases to other animals.

“关于狂犬病,唯一正常的事情就是不正常,”布兰通说道。"The only thing that's usual about rabies is the unusual, " Blanton said.

狂犬病是法定乙类传染病。Rabies epidemic reporting rabies are the legal class B infectious disease.

狂犬病是人体感染造成死亡的第十最常见原因。Rabies is the tenth most common cause of death due to infections in humans.

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即使貂宝宝足不出户也有机会感染犬瘟热和狂犬病。Canine Distemper and Rabies can affect ferrets that never set foot outdoors.

无论如何,在美国,狗,猫和鼬的狂犬病都是罕见的。However, rabies is uncommon in dogs, cats, and ferrets in the United States.

2006年,共报告了3279例人狂犬病病例,而1996年只有159例。In 2006, 3,279 cases of human rabies were reported — compared to 159 in 1996.

结论无佐剂狂犬病疫苗具有良好的安全性和免疫原性。Conclusion Adjuvant-free rabies vaccine showed good safety and immunogenicity.

2006年,共报告了3279例人狂犬病病例,而1996年只有159例。In 2006, 3, 279 cases of human rabies were reported — compared to 159 in 1996.

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中国健康部在全国范围内去年报告了2,375狂犬病死亡。The Chinese Health Ministry reported 2,375 rabies deaths last year nationwide.

皮卡佐剂狂犬病疫苗已取得国家临床研究批件。The rabies vaccine using PICKCa adjuvant has been licensed for clinical study.

狂犬病是一种病毒病,通常是由被感染动物的咬伤传播的。Rabies is a viral disease usually transmitted by a bite from an infected mammal.