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我坐在最右边的格子间。I sit in the cubicle on right.

柜体战士的梦想成真!Cubicle warrior's dream come true!

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哦,我明白了,嗯,他的隔间编号是19-346-B。Tony. Ah yes, he's in cubicle 19-346-B.

在一间小屋里弯腰坐著。A technical sergeant hunches in a cubicle.

我也在小隔间工作,但我无所谓。I work in a cubicle too, but I don't mind it.

本实用新型公开一种汇控柜。The utility model disclose a control cubicle.

汉娜躺在病房里的一间小屋子里。Hanna lay in the infirmary in a small cubicle.

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立方体就是一间添满东西的没有门的房子。A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.

在工厂中,你大部分的时间在一个6乘以8英尺的小屋里度过。At WORK you spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

看上去已经满员的厕所里还有一个空档位。They appeared full, but no, there was one empty cubicle.

当你下次听到旁边屋子有人打喷嚏的时候,要小心了。Next time the guy in the nearest cubicle sneezes, beware.

上班的时候,金发美女注意到和她一起的同事有个保温瓶。At work, a blonde notices her that cubicle mate has a thermos.

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柜门同转轴式活动铰链与构架相连,安装拆卸方便。Cubicle door conjunction pintle that is easy for assemble or unload.

该团队在每个队员过生日时,会装饰一个房间来为该队员庆生。The team decorated the cubicle of everyone who was having a birthday.

很多人会使用这种方法,特别是在现有的小隔间式的工作环境中。This is the strategy that many people use, particularly in cubicle land.

“哦,那好吧,”里穆尼说,然后走进我的隔段里,给气味处打了个电话。“Oh, all right, ” Rimney says, then goes into my cubicle and calls Odors.

在你的隔间或者办公室的所有表面上都贴上纸片。Keep numerous stacks of paper on all surfaces of your cubicle or workspace.

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那层薄薄的隔断墙是不能阻止人们听到你与客户对话内容的。Thin cubicle walls will not prevent people from hearing client discussions.

它的绿色浓郁而明亮,非常合适放在隔间的空角落里。It's bushy and bright green, and a perfect match for an empty cubicle corner.

我从我的隔间地狱里站起身来,觉得一阵眼花,阳光穿过云层照射过来,让我眨眼不止。I rose out of cubicle hell in a daze, blinking in the cloud-filtered daylight.