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但大多数人从来不曾极化过。But most people never polarize.

要是你不想极化会怎么样?What if you don’t want to polarize?

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这将是让公众情绪走向极端的另一起重大事件。It will be another big incident to polarize the public.

当嗜中性粒细胞感应到复合物,它们将极化,向信号源移动。When neutrophil senses compounds, they polarize and move towards the source.

政治分析人士说,结束停火协议会使得双方更加对立。Political analysts say ending the truce will polarize the two sides even further.

如果你极化为征服者,就表示要一生致力于自我服务。If you polarize as a darkworker, you are dedicating your life to serving yourself.

我们推荐不要交叉双腿,以便你的能量在能量场中正确极化。We recommend not crossing the legs so that the energy may correctly polarize in the field.

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足球明星大卫•贝克汉姆在这两个排行榜上均有一席之地,全靠他有本事能让公众对他的评价两极分化。Footballer David Beckham's ability to polarize opinion has seen him included in both lists.

光子穿透入介电质会使其偏极化,而且会造成部份的抵消。Photons penetrating into a dielectric polarize it and, in turn, are partially canceled out.

看看你所认识的、将你极化到单身的所有夫妇,并写下一份清单。Look at all the couples that you know that polarize you into being single and alone and make a written list.

正是这场大屠杀和基普对此的态度加速分裂了卢克·天行者的绝地武士团。It was this massacre, and Kyp's resulting attitude, that would serve to polarize Luke Skywalker's Jedi order.

在这个实验中,微量移液器释放出的物质造成的中性粒细胞的定向运动。In this experiment substance is released from micropipette that makes the neutrophils polarize and move towards that location.

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任何事情都似乎两极化的人之多令人烦恼的问题的重要性,发声差异扩音机。Nothing seems to polarize people as much as the vexed question concerning the importance of audible differences between amplifiers.

地球将要被用来当作一个极化不想要的黑暗和核裂变业力的地方,那是在天狼星的提升中从来没有得到转化过的东西。Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension.

这是因为委员会等组织往往要么就意见统一地跟着领导跑,要么就分化成两个对抗的阵营。That is because committees and other groups tend either to follow the leader in a rush of conformity or to polarize into warring camps.

慢极化弛豫机构来源于空间电荷和缺陷的扩散,宏观表现为吸收电流,用时域微分谱可解释这一结果。The mechanisms of slow polarize relaxation come from the diffuse of space charges and traps, it is absorption current in the macroscopic.

一些专家认为,预算辩论很容易使政治上的左右两派拥两极化,这可能给奥巴马总统留下一个机会。Experts say the budget debate could easily polarize advocates on both the political left and right, which could leave an opening for Obama.

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恐怖分子还通过声称替那些印度的穆斯林发泄现实或想像中的不满,来分化印度社会。The terrorists also sought to polarize Indian society by claiming to be acting to redress the grievances, real and imagined, of India’s Muslims.

我们认为语言——不论什么原因——非常极端,并有“放之四海而皆准”的方法,就是把几百万的开发者拒之门外了。We think that languages – for whatever reasons – polarize a lot and with a ‘one size fits all’ approach you always lock out millions of developers.

上皮组织细胞必须极化其表面区域以执行其转运生理功能。In order to carry out their physiological functions, the cells of transporting epithelial tissues must be able to polarize their cells surface domains.