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我是发型设计师威尔森。I am the stylist, Wilson.

我的名字是伊莱恩·威尔逊。My name is Elaine Wilson.

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你好,威尔逊先生。How do you do, Mr. Wilson.

杰贝兹·威尔逊先生大笑起来。Mr. Jabez Wilson laughed heavily.

他不记得有个叫贝齐。He didn't remember a Betsy Wilson.

第七位,汤姆·汉克斯和丽塔·威尔逊。Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are next.

我是送报员汤姆。威尔逊。It's the newspaper boy—Tommy Wilson.

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一语道破了我们这个时代的困境。Wilson captures the dilemma of our era.

可以,威尔逊先生,跟行李员上去吧。Yes, just follow the porter, Mr. Wilson.

威尔逊总统和14条猎犬同时驾到。President Wilson arrived with 14 pointers.

我也在考虑到伍德罗·威尔逊学院学习。and also thinking of Woodrow Wilson School.

这就是本店头号凶房,威尔逊先生。And here’s our most haunted room, Mr. Wilson.

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威尔逊所说,“我们在未开化的领域。”O. Wilson says, "We're in uncharted territory.

我们以威而森的名字订了桌位。We have reservations under the name of Wilson.

伍德罗.威尔逊总统曾希望建立一个“国际联盟”。Woodrow Wilson wished for a League of Nations.

威尔逊翻来倒去摆弄着空水壶。Wilson rolled the empty canteen back and forth.

它就在百老汇街与威尔逊街的转角。It's right on the corner of Broadway and Wilson.

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“有些您需要花钱,有些是免费的,”威尔逊说。"Some you pay, and some are free, " Wilson said.

她可曾提过一个叫布福德。威尔逊的人?Has she ever mentioned a man named Buford Wilson?

我真怕威尔逊比我更强大。I was afraid that Wilson was stronger than I was.