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也可能出现胸膜腔渗液。Pleural effusions may also be present.

肺间质增厚和胸腔积液。Pleural effusion and lobular interstitium thickness.

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瘤周胸膜可呈结节状或凹凸不平的改变。Zhou pleural tumors can be a nodular or rugged change.

肋膜积液细菌培养呈现克雷白氏肺炎菌的感染。Culture of the pleural fluid grew Klebsiella pneumoniae.

空气进入胸膜腔挤压肺组织。The escape of air into the pleural space collapses the lung.

胸膜疾病也可能采取其他形式的胸腔“积液”。Pleural disease may also take the form of a pleural "effusion".

而肋膜积水则和白蛋白、SGOT、胆红素皆无关连。The pleural effusion was not related to albumin, SGOT or bilirubin.

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积脓体内积有脓液,尤指在胸膜腔内。The presence of pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity.

如果怀疑胸膜间皮瘤,也可用支气管镜检查。A bronchoscopy may be performed if pleural mesothelioma is suspected.

经过证明没有空洞,淋巴结大和胸膜渗出。No cavitation, lymphadenopathy, or pleural effusion was demonstrated.

异位性胸腺瘤是罕见的肿瘤,特别是源自于肋膜腔。Ectopic thymoma is rare, especially when it arises in the pleural cavity.

目的评价胸腔镜检查对胸膜间皮瘤的诊断价值。Objective To assess the diagnosis of thoracoscopy in pleural mesothelioma.

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方法41例恶性胸腔积液患者应用力尔凡的腔内给药治疗。Methods 41 patients with malignant pleural effusion were treated by Lifein.

此外,胸膜和胸膜腔是呼吸的辅助装置。In addition, pleural and pleural cavity of the respiratory assistive devices.

“胸膜弓”由硬护膜层和节肢弹性蛋白构成。" Pleural arch" by the hard-care film festival and elastin constitute a limb.

五氯酚钠中毒致胸腔积液的报道非常罕见。The report on sodium pentachlorophenol poisoning and pleural effusion is rare.

探讨胸膜活检对胸腔积液的诊断价值。To investigate the diagnostic value of pleural biopsy on the pleural effusion.

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有少量胸腔积液,没有心包收缩的证据。There was a small pleural effusion and no evidence of pericardial constriction.

目的分析胎儿胸腔积液的病因、诊断方法及治疗。Objective To study the etiology, diagnosis and therapy of fetal pleural effusion.

我们要报告一例以腹部肿瘤表现并单侧肋膜转移。We report a case pre-senting as abdominal masses with unilateral pleural seeding.