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当我自报家门之后,他挥手示意让我离开,粗声说道,“现在不行,我还在工作。”"Not now " he said gruffly. "I'm working."

"好了,不要再问我了,"哈格力粗暴地说,"那是绝密。""“Now, don't ask me anymore, ” said Hagrid gruffly.

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“坐下吧,”那年轻人粗声粗气地说,“他就要来了。”Sit down,' said the young man gruffly. `He'll be in soon.'

“坐下吧,”那年轻人粗声粗气地说,“他就要来了。”Sit down, ' said the young man gruffly. 'He'll be in soon. '

临走时,他很粗鲁地打断了那父亲的紧张的道谢的话。When he left he cut short the father's nervous thanks gruffly.

“没事。”他回答道,声音粗哑,可他脸上的颜色已经变成了淡绿色。"Nothing, " he said, gruffly , but he was, in color, a light green.

“你来这里干什么?你想要什么?你要到哪儿去?”一月冷冰冰地问。"Why have you come here? What do you want? Where are you going?" asked old January gruffly.

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放心,我会引导、劝说、督促他学习,但我不会粗暴地剥夺他的幸福。Be at ease, I can guide, persuade, supervise and urge he learns, but I won't gruffly is privative his happiness.

“告诉尤达大师,我很快就去见他。”奥比万故意让自己表现得比实际的粗暴一些,卢克的脸耷拉下来。"Tell Master Yoda I shall be with him shortly. " Obi-Wan replied a little more gruffly than he intended and Luke pulled a face.

若只取其皮毛,粗暴地加以掠夺和仅进行表面的拼接,对画家的艺术前景来说,这种运用图式的方法只能成绕其颈项的绳索。Whereas, handle it skin-deeply, loot gruffly or put together its parts superficially, this means should be "the rope enwinding his neck" and might terminate his art foreground.