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不会给缪斯的冠冕增添一分光彩。No adjunct to the Muses' diadem.

王冠就是王权的象征。The diadem is the symbol of royalty.

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戴着的皇冠是王权的象征。A diadem was worn as sign of royal power.

荆棘冠冕远远超过国王的王冠。The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem.

把冠冕戴在他头上,将圣冠加在冠冕上Put the turban on his head and attach the sacred diadem to the turban.

王便将后冠戴在她头上,立她为王后以代瓦市提。So he placed the royal diadem on her head and made her queen in place of Vashti.

在去威斯敏斯特大教堂的路上,她戴的是维多利亚女王的钻石环形王冠。On the way to Westminster Abbey , she wore Queen Victoria's diamond circlet diadem.

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你在耶和华的手中要作为华冠,在你神的掌上必作为冕旒。Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.

到那日,万军之耶和华必作他馀剩之民的荣冠华冕。In that day shall the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto the residue of his people

贝壳很美丽,因为每一个贝壳里都有一颗闪烁的珍珠,它适合做王后的皇冠。Their appearance is very beautiful, for in each lies as glittering pearl, which would be fit for the diadem of a queen.

有网友认出了这幅画像其实是俄国女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世,画中她戴着皇冠,身着加冕礼袍。Other web users identified the painting as being Catherine II the Great, Empress of Russia, with diadem and coronation robe.

超强盔甲护身——拉文克劳的冠冕?”弗立维用尖细的嗓音说,“多一点智慧总不会有错,波特,但我认为在这种形势下恐怕用处不大!”Protego Horribilis — the diadem of Ravenclaw?" squeaked Flitwick. "A little extra wisdom never goes amiss, Potter, but I hardly think it would be much use in this situation! "

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“教授,”哈利走到小个子的魔咒课教师面前,说道,“教授,很抱歉打断你,但事情很重要。你知道拉文克劳的冠冕在哪儿吗?”"Professor, " Harry said, approaching the little Charms master, "Professor, I'm sorry to interrupt, but this is important. Have you got any idea where the diadem of Ravenclaw is?"