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不要急着要,一定要戒躁。Don't hurry, must rashness.

我们必须防止急躁情绪。We must guard against rashness.

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他的急燥卤莽最终导致了他的毁灭。His rashness led ultimately to his ruin.

杰克是个不骄不躁的人。Jack is free from arrogance and rashness.

轻率给少数人带来运气,却给大多数人带来不幸。To a few rashness bring luck, to most misfortune.

特别是草率从事的偏向,危险最大。In particular, rashness presents the major danger.

许多家庭的毁灭,往往就是源于这种貌似潇洒貌似现代的轻率和冲动。It's seemed to modern rashness and impulses usually result in a lots homes' destroys.

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这种轻率和莽撞倒是给她上了一课,因为后代之人乐于引用她的话,却忘记了对此作出评判。That rashness was taught a lesson. Posterity is glad to quote her remark, but forgets to judge it.

这一定会鼓励日本做出轻率决定并将美国拖入一场毫无必要的战争。This is the surest route to encouraging Japanese rashness and getting dragged into a needless war.

那么,难道达西先生认为,不管你本来的打算是多么轻率卤莽,只要你一打定主意就坚持到底,也就情有可原了吗?Would Mr. Darcy then consider the rashness of your original intention as atoned for by your obstinacy in adhering to it?

一个软弱的国家,犹如一个软弱的人,必须咆哮怒嚎、自我吹嘘、轻率鲁莽和做些其它显示出不安的事情”。It's a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity.

尽管其马上冲锋威名赫赫,但有时处于实际需要步行作战更为有效。Although they have a reputation for rashness when mounted, many are pragmatic enough to realise that sometimes it is better to fight on foot.

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不平静、匆忙紧张、轻率都能成为某些事的问题,因为你冲动行事,与周围的坏境不协调。Restlessness, nervous haste, and rashness can be something of a problem, for you act on impulse and may be out of sync with your environment.

愿你在今后的学习中能戒骄戒躁,继续努力,让自己的目标更高些,更远些!You would like to study in the future to guard against arrogance and rashness , continue to work hard to make our goals higher and farther more!

请你们对镇反工作,实行严格控制,务必谨慎从事,务必纠正一切草率从事的偏向。Please exercise strict control over the work of suppressing counter-revolutionaries, and be sure to proceed with caution and correct any deviation of rashness in handling the job.

在那里,是荫蔽精干,长期埋伏,积蓄力量,以待时机,反对急性和暴露。In the Kuomintang areas our policy is to have well-selected cadres working underground for a long period, to accumulate strength and bide our time, and to avoid rashness and exposure.

他的忧郁、多虑、优柔寡断是造成其悲剧结局的基本原因,而其粗心、鲁莽则是导致他悲剧结局的补充性原因。The paper holds that Hamlet's melancholy, hesitation and irresolution are the principal causes of his tragedy, and that his carelessness and rashness are the supplementary causes of it.

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中年,中等个,中等身材,佩雷斯穿着一贯穿的蓝色衬衫、蓝色领带和深灰色西服,曾有几次惹眼地选了件蓝色外套。Middle-sized, middle-height, middle-aged, he was wearing his usual blue shirt, tie and dark grey suit, though he has been known in moments of sartorial rashness to switch to a blue blazer.

中年,中等个,中等身材,佩雷斯穿着一贯穿的蓝色衬衫、蓝色领带和深灰色西服,曾有几次因为草率选了件蓝色外套而引起注意。Middle-sized , middle- height, middle- aged, he was wearing his usual blue shirt, tie and dark grey suit, though he has been known in moments of sartorial rashness to switch to a blue blazer.

不是约束他们去做本该做的事,而是约束他们不做不该做的事,以免因自己的欲望,轻率,鲁莽而危机自身,这就像是篱笆的功能一样,不是要阻挡行路而是为小路指引方向“It is not to bind them from voluntary actions but to direct and keep them in such motion as not to hurt themselves by their own impetuous desires, rashness or indiscretion as hedges are set not to stop travelers but to keep them on their way."