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缆车运作得很快!The cableway runs so fast!

索道运行过程中,请勿吸烟。Smoking is prohibitive in process of the cableway.

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一条架空索道横跨于黄河之上。An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River.

到达景区后可先乘汽车,再坐索道至山顶。Reach the area by car after the first, sit cableway to the summit.

湖北武当山太极湖索道等六条索道。Hubei Wudang Mountain Tai Chi and other six Lake cableway cableway.

这就是林业工人用以运送木材的空中索道。This is the cableway which the lumberjacks use to haul out their timber.

水文缆道安全运行是水文测报工作顺利开展的根本保证。It is a basic guarantee of hydrological forecast to keep hydrology cableway safe.

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想到我的孩子也快到上学的年龄了,我决定为他们修建一座溜索。Thinking my kids are reaching school age soon, I decided to build a cableway for them.

线路计算是工程索道设计中计算量最大的内容。The routine calculation is the most important content in the design of engineering cableway.

介绍郧西县汉水将军河索道桥的检测与检算。The detection and check calculations of Jiangjunhe River Cableway Bridge in Yunxi County are presented.

介绍了运矿索道动态称重系统的组成和数学模型。The composition and mathematical model of dynamic weighing system of ore handling cableway are described.

介绍了架空乘人装置—猴车在杜儿坪矿斜坡中的应用,提出猴车运行应采取的措施。Introdues the application of aerial cableway in duerpi ng coal mine slope, puts forward the measures for aerial cableway operation.

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本文介绍了民营资源型旅游企业武汉三特索道集团股份有限公司的发展现状。This article introduces the development state of Wuhan Sante Cableway Group Co. , Ltd. , a private resource-based tourism enterprise.

阐述了江西省宜丰水文站在水文缆道信号传输方面,绝缘子选择上的一些做法。This article elaborates signal transmission, selection of insulators for hydrometric cableway of Yifeng hydrological station in Jiangxi.

使用测流缆道系统进行流量测验,能提高测站的测洪能力,改善劳动条件。Employment of hydrometric cableway system in discharge measurement can improve flow measurement and working conditions for measuring points.

主要介绍了渝邻高速公路温塘河特大桥主跨拱箱缆索吊装的施工经验及控制要点。The steel tubular arch truss articulations of Qinggan River bridge were fastened and connected by cableway crane with cable-stayed cantilever.

在保护景区环境与风景观赏的前提下,总结出适合山岳型风景区的站房设计理论与方法。On the premise of protecting the environment and landscape, this paper summed up the design methods and considerations of cableway station design.

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本文对断面索法和经纬仪测角交会法的定位误差进行了较详细的推导和分析,并指明了减小定位误差的途径。The positioning error for cableway and theodolite methods is derived and analyzed in detail and the methods for reducing positioning error are pointed out.

天门山高山观光索道长7455米,最高点海拔1279米,是目前世界最长的高山客运索道。Tianmen Shan mountain tourism cableway long 7455 meters, 1279 meters the highest point above sea level, is the world's longest passenger ropeway mountains.

本文以甘肃省某水电站临时交通桥为工程背景,用悬链线法确定了索道桥的成桥状态。Based on the temporary traffic bridge in Gansu province as an engineering background, using catenary method to determine the completion state of cableway bridge.