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我可不愿让我儿子终身做苦工。I wouldn't wish to have my son drudge all his life.

不再有人必须在閒散富人休息的时候十倍辛勤工作。No more the drudge and idler—ten that toil where one reposes.

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法规遵循的许多“艰苦工作”可以通过工具来自动化。Much of the "drudge work" of compliance can be automated through tooling.

即使是马特·德拉吉,也没有刺杀本·拉登和推翻穆巴拉克的能耐,何况Twitter与Facebook乎?Then again, Matt Drudge didn’t kill Osama and bring down Mubarak, did he?

总是会有某些工作是你必须奔波忙碌的。There'll always be certain tasks that you'll just have to drudge through.

钱只是一种能创造出比它本身价值大得多的劳动工具。Money can only be the useful drudge of things immeasurably higher than itself.

我不介意做只是为了前进的道路上采取了一段时间的心灵了一些做苦工。I don't mind doing some drudge along the way just to take the mind off for a while.

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哪一个星期天到海滨或山上去游览的人不同情那些辛辛苦苦的个体经营者呢?Who, on a sunday jaunt to the shore or mountains, has not pitied some self-employed drudge ?

大多数自由职业者选择的工作既有一些高薪但枯燥的,也有报酬极低却很有趣的。Most freelancers have some mix of high-paying drudge work and low-to-no paying interesting work.

戏剧里的主要象徵是银。银在金钱的地位,有如人与人之间的杂役。Its chief symbol in the play is silver, which in the form of money is the " pale and common drudge" between man and man.

在修树枝的季节里,他每天可以赚十八个苏,过后他就替人家当割麦零工、小工、牧牛人、苦工。In pruning season he earned eighteen sous a day, then he hired out as a hay-maker, as laborer, as neat-herd on a farm, as a drudge.

在新闻周刊毙掉了一篇关于美国前总统克林顿白宫性丑闻的报道后一天,Drudge的新闻网站却不顾一切地对此进行了报道。One day after Newsweek killed a story about a new scandal in the Clinton White House, The Drudge Report broke the Monica Lewinsky story anyway.

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至于爱丽莎,她后来说,自己被迫在土著人的各个营地做苦工,捡柴火,挖树根。For her part, Eliza later claimed that she had been forced to work as a drudge around the Aborigines' camp, gathering firewood and digging up roots.

昨天德吉拉报道了一篇有关中国黑客的文章,他们黑进了劳伦斯利弗莫尔实验室和其他先进的美国研究中心。In the DRUDGE Report yesterday there was an article of Chinese hackers , hacking into the Lawrence Livermore lab and other advanced US research centers.

我的生活中有太多的琐事—像是洗碗、泡咖啡、骚扰办公室的邻居侨史坦—交给一个像R2D2的佣人去做就可以了。So many drudge jobs in my life-doing the dishes, making coffee, harassing office neighbor Joel Stein-could just as easily be relegated to an R2D2 –like servant.

有关细节是在周四的德鲁治报告之后由媒体透露给公众的。Details of his deployment became widely known only when they were reported by the Drudge Report on Thursday and the British media decided that the agreement was off.

之前我在水产里帮人送水,众所周知那是一个苦力活,在意料之外,也在情理之中,我辞了那分工作,因为身体受不了。Before I help people in the fishery where bottled water, we all know it is a drudge in the unexpected is also reasonable, I quit that sub-task, because the body can not stand.

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收入最高的合伙人居于律师事务所金字塔型结构的顶端,轻松地赚取巨额服务费,而初级律师组成的团队干着搜索判例和拟定合同的苦活。The highest-earning legal partners preside over pyramid-shaped firms, raking in huge fees while teams of junior lawyers do the drudge work of searching for precedents and drawing up contracts.