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她夺得了女子跳马金牌了吗?Did she win the women's vault ?

这窟窖的顶是无知构成的。Its vault is formed of ignorance.

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当然了。她是撑杆跳的女皇了。She is the queen of the pole vault.

它在天顶上轰隆隆地行驶。It rolled on top of a sonorous vault.

在金斯伯尔我有一个家族墓室!I've got a family vault at Kingsbere! '

回音壁是皇穹宇的围墙。The Echo Wall encloses the Imperial Vault.

拱顶上成横向或者对角线的支撑结构。A transverse or diagonal member of a vault.

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她是2008年奥运会跳马金牌得主。She is the 2008 Olympic vault gold medalist.

邓布利多的防范严密的金库是713号。Dumbledore's high security vault was number 713.

皇穹宇位于最中心。The Imperial Vault of Heaven sits in the center.

连续的拱形系列,就称为穹窿。A continuous series of arches is known as a vault.

无脑儿是胎儿颅穹窿缺陷。Anencephaly is absence of the fetal cranial vault.

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魔法力库不可在你的重置阶段中重置。Mana Vault does not untap during your untap phase.

跳马与鞍马相似,只不过更高一点。The vault is similar to the pommel horse but taller.

唉,斯蒂芬在第二次试跳时没有跳好。Well, Steven was not doing well in his second vault.

爱尔摩银行刚刚装建了一个新保险柜和地下室。The Elmore Bank had just put in a new safe and vault.

当他成为我们的一员时,他会说出他的避难所在什么地方的。He'll tell us where his Vault is when he is one of us.

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当然了。她是撑杆跳的女皇了。Of course, she will. She is the queen of the pole vault.

当她成为我们的一员时,她会说出她的避难所在什么地方的。She'll tell us where her Vault is when she is one of us.

而古卷的原件,这真正的珍宝则被存放在保险库里。The real treasure, the original Scroll, is kept in a vault.