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传教福音。He evangelizes the gospel.

他选择了路加福音。He took the Gospel of Luke.

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还有马利福音。So there's a Gospel of Mary.

同样地,还有路加福音。The Gospel of Luke,same thing.

芝加哥国语福音营预备及报名。May 24-26, Mandarin Gospel Camp.

因此基督传扬福音。Thus Christ preached the Gospel.

路加发表了保罗的福音“Or Luke published Paul's gospel."

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他为何会选择路加福音?Why did he take the Gospel of Luke?

“这是用同义词与”福音。It is used synonymously with Gospel.

路加福音与使徒行传都有记载。It's in the Gospel of Luke and Acts.

而路加在他的福音里记载了这点。And Luke recorded that in his gospel.

只是人没有都听从福音。But they have not all obeyed the gospel.

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同样作工和福音不能相混。Likewise works and the gospel don't mix.

玛哈丽雅杰克逊高声唱出了福音调。Mahalia Jackson beltd out a gospel tune.

那么保罗福音的对立面是什么?What is the opposition to Paul's gospel?

而路加如实传播了保罗的福音。And Luke correctly passed on Paul's gospel.

他以圣约翰福音中的文句作布道的题目。He preached on a text from St. John's gospel.

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这里没有福音或者管理手册。There’s no gospel or management handbook here.

林语慧信以为真,脸上升起担忧。Lin Yuhui face rising concern for gospel truth.

所以马太福音也很可靠。So the Gospel of Matthew is also by a good one.