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他假充记者混了进去。He posed as a newsman to get in.

他假装新闻记者混了进去。He posed as a newsman to get in.

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NBC一位新闻记者提姆•罗泽特逝世。NBC newsman Tim Russert has died.

他回答新闻记者的问题很灵活。The problem that he answers newsman is very agile.

他是一个优秀新闻工作者,并具备诸方面条件。He is a good newsman , and he has that extra dimension.

新闻主持或新闻记者很大程度上相似于一个驾驶员。Being an anchorman or newsman is a lot like being a pilot.

华盛顿特区在纪念永垂不朽的新闻记者提姆•罗泽特。Washington D. C. is remembering longtime newsman Tim Russert.

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这位新闻工作者最后一次在直播中露面是2008年8月31日。The newsman made his last appearance on air on August 31, 2008.

现在我正在学新闻,希望以后也能做一名体育记者。I am studying the news now, hope to become a sports newsman too.

这个记者把报道写得绘声绘色,以求博得那家周刊编辑们的青睐。The newsman jazzed up the story to sell himself to the editor of the weekly.

最后但并非次要的,某些新闻工作者不了解新闻是严格建立在事实基础上的规则。Finally but not secondly, some newsman don't knowledge the rule that news is based on the truth.

该房子是为一个中年新闻记者设计的,他已经在越南建筑杂志工作有些年头了。The house is designed for a middle aged newsman who has been working in years for Vietnam architectural magazines.

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你会声称你实现了全民就业,而且拥有高超的生产力,却暗里逮捕那些报道真实情况的记者。You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.

做记者要将自己的人生与民族的命运血肉般凝铸,这是周立波独特的新闻观。Being a newsman , he put his whole life for the contribution to the fate of his nation. This is the unique news outlook of Zhou Libo.

CBS电视台的新闻记者沃尔特克朗凯特共享的兴奋,他和这么多的人认为作为人首先在月球表面上走。CBS Television newsman Walter Cronkite shared the excitement that he and so many people felt as man first walked on the surface of the moon.

通过对其思想和实践活动的介绍与总结,本文希图全面展现其旧中国爱国报人的报业世界。From the introduction and the summary, the essay shows comprehensively the world of newspaper of Shi Liangcai' s, who was a patriotic newsman before the liberation.

这部电影探讨一位新闻从业人员利用其狼藉的声名来挑战国内不仁不义之事,这部片在很多方面都是克隆尼本人的写照。This film tells the story of a newsman who uses his notoriety to challenge the wrongs he sees in his country, and in many ways, the film says a lot about Clooney himself.

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从这个意义上来讲,客观报道原则只能是“原则”而已,美国新闻记者在新闻叙事中总是隐含着含蓄的主观性和隐蔽的倾向性。From this point of view, reported objectively the principle can only be "the principle", US newsman in the news narrates is always concealing implicit subjective and hiding tendentiousness.

2003年洛杉机时报的戴维•肖克提到,克朗凯特在播音时也许一直镇定从容,但“他在镜头外面永远是一个刻苦努力、富有锐利竞争精神的一个新闻记者。”Cronkite may have been a calm, unflappable presence on the air, but "he was always a hard-driving, fiercely competitive newsman off camera, " David Shaw of the Los Angeles Times noted in 2003.