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寻找真爱之吻。A kiss for love's sake.

只是为了爱才爱我。Except for love's sake only.

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但我这样做是为了吉塔。But I am doing it for Geeta's sake.

清酒的销售会带来更多的税收。Sake sales lead to more tax income.

看在上帝的份上,用案板吧。Use a cutting board for god's sake.

为安全起见,要出双入对。For safety's sake , travel in pairs.

为了你的缘故,我但愿他们是对的。I wish for your sake they were right.

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他为了钱而出卖自身的朋友。He tricked his friend for moneys sake.

在耶稣的看来,我是蓓蕾女孩。I was the Bud Girl, for Christ’s sake.

多少人亲孩子脸,只为一博保姆欢。Many kiss the baby for the nurse's sake.

哦,请为我把命运的女神诟让。O for my sake do you with Fortune chide.

天哪,他们可能连孩子都有了!They may have a child for goodness sake.

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看在老交情上我能干点什么?。Hey, for old times' sake. what can we do?

多少人亲孩子脸,只为一博保姆欢。Many kiss the child for the nurse's sake.

成全你,也是成全自我的开始。Sake of you, but also sake of self-start.

这里是律师办公室,看在老天的份上。This is a law office, for criminy's sake.

对话嘛,不仅仅是为了对话而对话、说胡话。Dialogue is not dialogue for its own sake.

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不要因我而太麻烦你自己。Do not inconvenience yourself for my sake.

让我们试试,贝拉——为了这个婴儿。Give it a try, Bela-for the infant's sake.

他为了钱而出售自己的朋侪。He optionrayed his friend for moneys sake.