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我喜欢你,奥拉夫。I love you, Olaf.

嗨,我是奥拉夫。我喜欢热情的拥抱。Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.

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马斯滕对自己的观念一意孤行。Olaf Martens pursues his own ideas.

奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作。Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm.

那两个男孩奥拉夫和卡尔,帮助他们的父亲照料农场。Olaf and Carl, helped their father take care of the farm.

那两个男孩奥拉夫和卡尔,帮助他们的父亲照料农场。The two boys, Olaf and Carl, helped their father take care of the farm.

但坚强的奥拉夫抵挡住了诱惑,因为他的心思全部都在可怜的奥黛丽身上。But the stalwart Olaf heeded them not, for his thoughts were all of little Audrey.

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在1905年,他以优异成绩毕业于圣奥拉夫,然后加入了大学教师。In 1905, he graduated with honors at St. Olaf and then joined the college faculty.

他们当然会和我有竞争,就好像现在的梅尔博格。They would of course be in competition with me as it's happening with Olaf Mellberg.

奥拉夫斯特普尔顿写了一本书叫做第一个和最后一个男人。Olaf Stapledon wrote a book called First and Last Men. in which he looked millions of years ahead.

在这方面发挥吉姆可怕计数奥拉夫企图谋杀孤儿死远房亲戚。In it Jim played the dreadful Count Olaf who tries to murder the orphans of a dead distant relative.

进入奥拉夫·马滕斯的影像世界,就像是经历一场情感冲突的旅程。The visitor to the world of Olaf Martens ' photographs is taken on a roller-coaster ride of conflicting sensations.

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德国杜塞道夫大学奥拉夫博士说,6分钟的小睡和夜间睡眠在改善记忆力上有同样的功效。Dr Olaf Lahl at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany, has shown that a 6-minute nap can have the same effect as nighttime sleep on memory.

1986年首相奥洛夫帕尔梅被枪杀在斯德哥尔摩街头,而在2003年外交大臣安娜林德被刺伤在百货公司死刑。In 1986 Prime Minister Olaf Palme was shot dead on a Stockholm street, while in 2003 Foreign Minister Anna Lindh was stabbed to death in a department store.

日内瓦大学教授欧拉夫•布兰科和他的团队称他们把实验对象“浸入”到一个电脑模拟的化身里。Professor Olaf Blanke and his team at University of Geneva said they had "immersed"volunteers into the body of an avatar-a computer generated version of themselves.

在周一,“天鹅爸爸”奥拉夫·尼斯和他的同事们将鸟儿们聚集起来放在铺满稻草的小船上开始冬季迁徙之旅。On Monday, "Swan father" Olaf Niess and his colleagues collected thebirds and took them to their winter quarters in boats that have been lined withstraw for the trip.

奥拉夫布兰科同样来自于洛桑高等联邦理工学院,他在了解如何定义“自我”和如何将这种自我意识传递到机器人或者阿凡达方面取得了进展。Olaf Blanke, also of Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, has made progress trying to understand what defines "self, " and how self-awareness can be transferred into a robot or avatar.

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和蓝杆菌相比,其他的生物体,例如南极冰藻,也有差不多的产氢率。Organisms other than cyanobacteria, such as the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, also produce hydrogen at similar rates, says Olaf Kruse of Bielefeld University in Germany, who works with the species.