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把引航梯放到升降梯下。Rig pilot ladder alongside hoist.

这种船上有一根桅杆和两面帆。The rig is one mast and two sails.

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你船必须另放一引航梯。You must rig another pilot ladder.

搭建还包括操纵器。The rig also contains manipulators.

上澄把他车停在了它们旁边。Topper pulled the rig up beside them.

我可以改装让炸弹立即引爆。I can rig it so it detonates on impact.

约翰感到难以为一家大小置备衣着。John felt it hard to rig out his family.

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把这条软管装到院中的水龙头上。Rig this hosepipe to the tap in the yard.

但是这需要一个工程师团队来操纵它。But it took a team of engineers to rig it up.

你船须将绳梯装在右舷侧。You must rig Jacob's ladder on starboard side.

双桅帆也是航行用船的一种常见结构。A ketch is a common rig for cruising sailboats.

所有的多余的人都要离开钻台。All extra personnel are away from the rig floor.

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这台人抬钻机只能达15米深的井。This portable rig can only drill 15m deep holes.

海沃德作为一名钻探地质学家于1982年加入了BP。Hayward started at BP as a rig geologist in 1982.

利俱吠陀也有一首独一无二献身于他的诗。A hymn is also dedicated to him alone in Rig Veda.

你好,我打电话是想问你们刊登广告招聘一个钻井队长的事。Hello. I'm calling about your ad for a rig manager.

人形的Jake掀开顶盖,揉了揉自己的太阳穴。Human Josh lifts the link rig and rubs his temples.

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德拉赞一伙所乘坐的客货两用车停在了一处油田上,附近是一个石油钻塔。The Drazen van pulls up to a field with an oil rig.

该机是由转盘带动钻具旋转钻进的回转钻机。Cutting tools of the rig are driven by a turn table.

上卸扣时,不能站在大钳的后边。Do not stand behind rig tongs while they are in use.