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但是,当黑色素瘤的转移,当心了。But when melanoma metastasizes, watch out.

小鼠黑色素瘤B16-F1细胞株是弱免疫原性癌细胞株。Mouse melanoma B16-F1 cell line is low immunogenic.

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葡萄膜黑色素瘤是成年人中最多见的一种恶性肿瘤。Uveal melanoma is the most common carcinoma in adult.

导致黑素瘤的危险因素中大部分都是难以避免的。Most of the risk factors for melanoma are unavoidable.

你的双腿是最容易受黑色素瘤袭击的地方。Your legs are the number one spot where melanoma strikes.

这项研究包括318名女性黑素瘤患者和395名对照。The study included 318 women with melanoma and 395 controls.

她似乎很乐意谈购物,我就把黑色素瘤的事情告诉了她。She seems happy to talk shop, so I tell her about the melanoma.

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全世界黑素瘤发病率的差异超过150倍。Worldwide, the incidence of melanoma varies more than 150-fold.

葡萄膜黑色素瘤是最常见的眼内肿瘤。Background Uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular cancer.

我很害怕,非常害怕,我知道黑瘤是致命的。I was scared. I was very scared. I knew that melanoma is deadly.

而这个因素对低收入女性患黑色素瘤的几率没有影响。This factor did not affect melanoma ratesamong low-income women.

目的进一步认识肢端雀斑样痣性黑素瘤。Objective To recognize furthermore the acral lentiginous melanoma.

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黑素瘤是皮肤癌中最为罕见的一种,但也是最为致命的。Melanoma is the least common form of skin cancer but the most lethal.

恶性黑素瘤可能发展自色素痣,但青春期前几乎不会发生。Malignant melanoma can Begin in moles But almost never before puberty.

在体试验显示黄癸素可抑制B16黑色素肿瘤和H22肝癌的肺转移。HB can inhibit lung metastasis of B16 melanoma and H22 hepatoma in mice.

足外侧皮瓣修复足跟部恶性黑色素瘤的方法是较为理想的手术方法。So it′s an ideal method to repair malignant melanoma at the heel of feet.

实施切片检查为厚度1.2公厘的黑色素细胞癌。An incisional biopsy was done which revealed melanoma with 1.2mm thickness.

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有黑色素瘤病史者不适合作为器官供者?。Unsuitability of organ donation from a patient with a history of melanoma ?

“该医院诊断的黑色素瘤患者人数有所增加,”她说。“The number of melanoma diagnoses has increased in the hospital,” she says.

这能大大促进降低黑色素瘤死亡率,”她说。This is an important contribution in reducing melanoma mortality,” she says.