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他平常说话并不结巴。He doesn't often hack.

你能容忍受欺骗吗?Do you hack to be cheated?

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有些人还称他是一个苦工。Some would call him a hack.

你当伐木工人能熬得住吗?。Can you hack it as a lumber jack?

我能入侵他们的补给站。I can hack into their supply stores.

我要回到远隔重洋的家乡。Way hack to my home on a distant shore.

去入侵她电话里的的语音信箱,to hack onto her voicemail on her phone

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我来设计个检查程序吧。Let me hack together a checking program.

什么玩艺有黑客语言支持?What IDEs have support for the Hack Language?

在他们最纯真的,游戏是一辆华丽的马车。At their most puerile , games are a grand hack.

身高六英尺以上仍在打臭球比赛。When you're over six feet tall in the hack game.

这种方法修复背景显示问题。This hack fixes the background-rendering problem.

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一则留言说,想成为黑客、黑掉谷歌?Wanna be a hacker and hack Google?Go to Lanxiang!

他是个雇佣文人,不过天生下笔千言,很有些才气而已。That party hack is just in politics for the money.

跟迈克的笔记本支架一样拥有一件独一无二的DIY作品。Have a unique in-car DIY hack like Mike's laptop stand?

他们要拿刀砍我,被我用包挡开了。They tried to hack me and I fended him off with my bag.

杰克伦敦做过雇佣文人,一天就能写出1000个英文单词。Jack London was a hack who knocked out 1,000 words a day.

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于是雇用当地人用大刀砍出一条穿越树丛的路。They hired locals to hack through the brush with machetes.

我不要看他的稿子。听说他是业余记者。Oh, I never read his articles. I've heard he's a real hack.

这把斧头曾经劈开前女友的家具。This axe was once used to hack an ex-girlfriends' furniture.