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我来自巴勒斯坦。I came from Palestine.

那是巴勒斯坦人的国会。That's the parliament of Palestine.

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以拉谷在巴勒斯坦,你知道是哪里吗?It's in Palestine , you know where it is?

这是巴勒斯坦唯一的车篷学校。This is the only caravans school in Palestine.

年轻时,他曾经到巴勒斯坦和埃及旅行。When young, he traveled to Palestine and Egypt.

我的名字叫菲迪,来自巴勒斯坦。My name is Fady Bawatna, and I'm from Palestine.

我们没有仔细考虑过巴以问题。So we haven't been looking at Israel and Palestine.

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他将该地重新命名为叙利亚巴勒斯坦,后来简称巴勒斯坦。He renamed the land Syria Palestina, later shortened to Palestine.

这是100%巴勒斯坦制作的儿童节目,从头到尾。」他说。"This is 100 percent made in Palestine --- from A to Z, " he said.

中国在巴勒斯坦问题上的原则立场没有变化。China's principled stance on the Palestine issue remains unchanged.

因此一路往下穿过巴勒斯坦,就再无希腊城市了So there are no Greek cities as you keep coming down and pass Palestine.

古巴勒斯坦一城市,位于加利利海的西北海岸。A city of ancient Palestine on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee.

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1923年起为巴勒斯坦一部分,1948年被约旦并吞。It was part of Palestine from 1923 until its annexation by Jordan in 1948.

巴勒斯坦的一个古国,位于死海与亚喀巴湾之间。An ancient country of Palestine between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba.

巴勒斯坦的犹太人和阿拉伯人已经断断续续地斗争了100年之久。The Jews and Arabs of Palestine have been fighting off and on for 100 years.

它可能因此描写过公元66或70岁,显然是在巴勒斯坦。It may thus have been written about AD 66 or 70, and apparently in Palestine.

拉美西斯二世进行了一系列的远征,以恢复埃及对巴勒斯坦的统治。Ramesses II was a series of expeditions, to restore Egypt to Palestine 's rule.

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再一次,巴勒斯坦成为阿拉伯世界同仇敌忾、近乎神圣的概念。Then again, Palestine is the uniting and almost sacred cause of the Arab world.

巴勒斯坦的历史没有文字性的记录,史实性不够——但那些传统就是我们的历史。In Palestine there's no written document, no historicity—but still, it's history.

我们也注意到巴方为缓和目前紧张局势所做的努力。We have also noticed the efforts of Palestine for the easing of current tensions.