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立刻禀报国王。Inform the king at once.

他将告诉我们去哪里。He will inform us whereto go.

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且为诸君言之。Now I'll inform you about it.

再不住手,我就去告诉华夫人!Stop, or I will inform Madam!

烦请通知印刷工厂。Pls kindly inform printing fty.

你把这件事告诉警察了吗?Did you inform the police of it?

我已经通报了国王泰瑞纳斯。I've got to inform King Terenas.

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好的,但是得通知我爸一下。Fine, but I should inform my dad.

向各有关方通知预离时间并报告。Inform all parties of ETD and report.

帅飘就让雪儿通知司马空。Let the snow inform SiMaKong handsome.

如果有退票的,请通知我。Please inform me if have return ticket.

请告诉我们他家在哪里。Please inform us how to find his house.

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杰米要通知杰姬赛琳的事。Jamie to inform the Jackie SaiLin thing.

他过去常打同学的小报告。He used to inform against his classmates.

我确确’定后,电话通知你方。Ml call to inform you after I confirm it.

买家收到货品后,请记得回贴报平安哦!After received the item, please inform us !

若排程表有异动请告知我们。Please inform us of any change of schedule.

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我们将通知你方开航日期。We shall inform you of the date of sailing.

通知轮机长准备进锚地。Inform Chief Engineer of entering anchorage.

麻烦你通知他陈刚来过电话。Please inform him that Chen Gang was calling.