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但肆虐的大火却夺去了13名消防员的生命。But the fire overran them, and 13 died.

新闻节目超出了规定的时间。The news programme overran the allotted time.

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北欧的汪达尔人占领了罗马帝国。The Vandals of Northern Europe overran the Roman Empire.

蔓生的牵牛花藤越过了雨林的天蓬,疯长开去。Weedy morning-glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.

亚希玛斯就从平原往前跑,跑过古示人去了。Then Ahimaaz ran by the way of the plain, and overran Cushi.

入侵军占领了游击队若干分散的前哨基地。The invading army overran a few scattered guerrilla outposts.

1453年土耳其占领了君士坦丁堡,横行于希腊和巴尔干半岛。In 1453 the Turks took Constantinople and overran Greece and the Balkans.

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但是在公元1644年,满州人突破长城入侵中国。But in ad 1644 the Manchus broke through the Great Wall and overran China.

德罗巴的带球趟的轻微大了些,巴普蒂斯塔于是有机会将球堵出。Drogba overran a charge on goal and gave Baptista the opportunity to block.

一九四○年四月到六月,德军侵佔了西欧六个国家。Between April and June 1940, the Germans overran six western European nations.

我从内道挤他,所以他错过了刹车点。I squeezed him onto the marbles on the inside so he overran the braking point.

我宽恕那些离开被他人蹂躏的土地的祖先们。I forgive those ancestors who left the land that other humans overran them from.

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葡萄牙人攻占了古老的马六甲王国后,大肆地庆祝了一番。The portuguese had a field day when they overran the ancient kingdom of malacca.

到了晚上,这些士兵从木马冲了出来并攻陷了这个城市。During the night, the warriors emerged from the wooden horse and overran the city.

他的副手薛立,在被某个超时的危机处理会议耽搁了一段时候后终于出现了。His deputy, Lily Xue, emerges after some delay from a crisis meeting that overran.

联合国消息来源称,装备精良的反叛分子袭击了姆班达卡市并破坏了机场。UN sources say heavily armed rebels attacked the town of Mbandaka and overran the airport.

军队在占领游击队营地时夺得了发射器和其他广播设备。Troops captured transmitters and other broadcast equipment when they overran a guerrilla camp.

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卡扎菲周四死于他的家乡苏尔特,这里是他的最后据点。Gaddafi was killed by fighters who overran his home town and final bastion of Sirte on Thursday.

再往北,俄国两个集团军,越过了半个东普鲁士,向但泽湾挺进。Farther north still, two Ru ian armies overran half of East Pru ia and drove to the Gulf of Danzing.

再往北,俄国两个集团军,越过了半个东普鲁士,向但泽湾挺进。Farther north still, two Russian armies overran half of East Prussia and drove to the Gulf of Danzing.