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大跨度地下结构中柱是抗震薄弱环节。Middle column of large underground structures is the weak link in seism.

地震勘探工作中,地震仪通过地震检波器采集信号。The acquisition system obtains the geological information through the geophone in seism prospecting.

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远处振动波的各振动元素界限不清,更像一段连续地震。The vibration of each case from far vibration wave had a blurry border, presenting a likely continuous seism wave.

进行了结构对地震反应的动力时程分析,求得了结构在四条上海地震波下作用下的地震反应。The time-history analysis subject to four Shanghai seism wave is done, which reveals the seism response of the structure.

新型涡流检波器已在地质、石油、煤炭人工地震勘探中采用。The Fdddy-Seis, a unique new type of geophone, has been adopted by artificial seism in geologic survey, oil and coal exploration.

基于有限元分析方法,首先建立了锅炉钢构架ANSYS计算模型,对其在强震作用下的地震反应进行了分析。Based on finite element analysis, set up the model of the boiler steel-structure in the ANSYS and got its response to the strong seism.

南海北部盆地中进行过地震及钻探工作的主要有北部湾、莺歌海、琼东南和珠江口盆地。The basins exploited by seism and drilling in the north part of Nanhai include Beibuwan, Yinggehai, Qiongdongnan and Zhujiangkou basins.

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通过三维地震资料的精细解释与构造成图,发现潜山顶面各类油气圈闭11个。Through the three-dimensional seism data explanation and structural mapping, 11 oil and gas traps are found on the top of the burial hill.

渡槽结构由于上部水体及槽体重量大,地震时动力反应强烈。Since the weight of the aqueduct together with its inside water is very heavy, the dynamic response of the structure is intensive under the seism action.

合成地震记录的精度直接影响到地震地质层位的准确标定。Synthetic seismogram is an important ligament of seism and geology and its precision straightway affects the calibration of the seismic geologic horizon.

为了准确反应大跨组合网架在结构地震作用下的真实状态,必须考虑初始静载影响下的网架时程分析。In order to reflect the true state under seism about the long-span composite truss frame, the analysis should embody the initial influence of static loads.

最后,以选取的模型为沥青力学行为,以一个实际建筑物为算例,计算和考察该新型材料作为基础隔震垫的隔震性能好坏。At last, using the bilinear model couvades the restoring-force character of the new type asphaltum, we seeing about the seism resist effect of the asphaltum pillow.

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研究区资料控制十分有限,研究程度尚低,主要靠二维地震资料结合5口井的控制进行研究。Materials are really limited in research region, and research degree is still low, so we do studies generally basing on two dimensional seism data, as well as 5 wells.

针对黄珏油田复杂的地质特点和生产上的诸多矛盾,开展了井间地震试验研究。In consideration of complex geologic characters and the contradictions existed in production of Huangjue Oilfield, an experimental study is conducted on interwell seism.

可见微断层、层内阶梯状断层、震球枕构造、震碎角砾及各种变形构造等震积岩的识别标志。Many kinds of soft identified structures have been found in seismites, such as micro-faults, step micro-faults, seism pillows, seismic breccias and deformation structures.

自1971年美国圣费南多地震爆发以后,结构延性抗震设计的概念在世界范围内广泛受到重视。The concept of anti-seismic design based on structure's ductility has been worldwide accepted and paid much attention to since the San Femado seism in the United States in 1971.

通过多次的爆破地震观测,获得了大量地震波波形图和频谱图资料,并获得了不同场地的地震波传播规律及参数。A lot of seismic wave diagrams and frequency spectrograms are obtained from a lot of blast-induced seism. The propagation law and parameters of seismic wave in different places are studied.

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首先对其首波PN进行分析,结果表明其线性关系较好,计算出的速度值与华南地区近震走时表中所用的地壳模型中的速度值一致。First, we analyze the head wave PN, it shows that it's good in linearity relation, and the value of PN velocity counted out is same to the crust model using in the list of pass time of HuaNan seism.