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她从捕人警官手中逃脱。She broke away from the arresting officer.

三张照片中,柯瑟琳的那张最为醒目。Of the three photos, Cordell's was the most arresting.

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自我暴露既不新鲜也不特别引人注目。The exhibitionism is not new or particularly arresting.

“如果我们失败,卡扎非将逮捕并杀死千万人”。Qaddafi will be arresting and killing thousands if we lose.

不过他的冷静与自信却俘获了我,所以我一直无法忘记这句诗。But hia sober assurance was arresting. I could not forget it.

不过这张脸还是挺引人注目,尖尖的下巴颏儿,方方的牙床骨儿。But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.

警察战术机动是缉捕行动的重要组成部分。Policing tactic is an important component in arresting action.

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这张照片是迄今为止最为引人注目的星系撞击的图像之一。This is one of the most arresting galaxy smash-up images todate.

这张照片是迄今为止最为引人注目的星系撞击的图像之一。This is one of the most arresting galaxy smash-up images to date.

拘留性工作者要比抓捕人口贩子简单得多。Detaining sex-workers is much easier than arresting the traffickers.

他们的眼睛是画作中最黑暗和摄人心神的部份。Their eyes are the darkest and most arresting aspect of the painting.

当时他的律师称执行逮捕的官员没有适当履行职责。His attorney then said the arresting officer didn't do his job properly.

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阿尔弗雷德•希区柯克创造了电影史上一些最引人注目的影像。Alfred Hitchcock created some of the most arresting images in film history.

在学海中游泳离题扣几分?Swim for in learning the sea digressing from the subject arresting somewhat?

“我想你一定是弄错了,”魁刚平静地说,“是我们要逮捕你。”"I believe you are mistaken, " Qui-Gon said calmly. "We are arresting you. "

因为警察逮捕你之后第一件做的事情就是和你交换电话号码。Because the first thing cops do after arresting you is exchange phone numbers.

这位教授说话太快,我们感到很难理解他的意思。He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so arresting that it sobers everyone.

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短地面起飞距离,装备一个拦阻钩允许短距离降落。Short ground take off. Equipped with an arresting hook allowing a short landing.

警方发现了劫匪的藏匿地点并将他们逮捕,从而挫败了他们的计划。The police thwarted the robbers' plans by finding their hide-out and arresting them.

马曼也因与逮捕他的警官吵闹而被控以拒捕罪。Marman also was booked for resisting arrest after a fracas with an arresting officer.