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此图所示的为盲肠扭转。This is an example of cecal volvulus.

盲肠扭转,肠扭转是肠的扭曲缠绕。This is an example of cecal volvulus. Volvulus is a twisting of the bowel.

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太多的糖份和淀粉,会导致肠道系统不平衡,最终引发问题。Too much sugar and starch can cause cecal dysbiosis, and all its associated problems.

目的探讨盲肠憩室炎的临床诊断与治疗。Objective To investigate the clinical diagnosis and treatment of cecal diverticulitis.

目的对鸡盲肠菌群的厌氧连续培养方法及培养物的生理生化的特性进行初步研究。A research on continuous flow culture derived from chicken cecal contents was conducted.

试验前期,益生素能提高法氏囊、胸腺指数,增大盲肠扁桃体面积。At starter phase, probiotics can improve spleen index, bursa F index and cecal tonsils area.

以培养和涂片检查法,观察肠道菌群的变化。The alteration of the intestinal flora were estimated by culture and smears of the cecal contents.

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临床医师目前面临的困境是盲肠扭结并无明确的临床特徵于是常常延迟治疗而导致肠坏死。Cecal volvulus has great diversities of clinical and laboratory presentations, which often lead to delayed treatment.

此外,排泄物中黏液素分泌增多,盲肠和结肠内容物以及盲肠粘膜中的粘液素浓度也会升高。Moreover, FOS increased fecal mucin excretion and mucin concentrations in cecal and colonic contents, and in cecal mucosa before infection.

不当的饮食会导致肠道问题,常常盲肠的功能失常,就是不平衡饮食造成的。Improper diet can quickly lead to intestinal problems, often originating with cecal dysbiosis, an imbalance of the natural "ecosystem" of the cecum.

本文旨在研究地衣芽孢杆菌对麻羽肉鸡的肠道组织结构及其盲肠微生物区系的影响。The experiment was conducted to study the effects of Bacillus licheniformis on intestinal structure and cecal gut microflora in Mayu broiler chickens.

无菌下取回盲部淋巴结、胰腺、脾、肝、门静脉血和盲肠内容做细菌培养、计数。Bacterial culture and count of mesenteric lymph nodes, pancreas, spleen, liver, portal blood and cecal contents were measured with aseptic manipulation.

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证实,鸡出壳后初期,盲肠扁桃体免疫功能迅速增强,并在35日龄时达到成熟水平。The results reveal that the cellular immune function of cecal tonsil in chickens are enhanced rapidly after hatching, and reach mature level at 35 days old.

研究不同品种、饲养阶段的健康和不良鸡群对盲肠细菌种群结构和多样性的影响。This study investigated the effects of normal and slow poultry development on the structural diversity of cecal bacterial flora using different chicken breeds and feeding stages.

应用气相色谱技术测定艰难梭菌培养物和悉生小鼠盲肠内含物中的挥发性脂肪酸含量,并用气相色谱—质谱技术加以鉴定。Volatile fatty acids in the culture of G. difficile and the cecal con- tents of gnotobiotic mice were evaluated by gas chromatography and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrography.

文章介绍了盲肠航道的水流运动特点及影响因素、航道通航宽度及其对船舶航行安全的影响。In this paper, introduce the characteristics of flow athletics of the cecal channel and influencing factors, the width of navigable waterways and their impact on the safety of navigation of ships.