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他的脸都气歪了。His face was contorted with anger.

一阵剧烈的疼痛扭歪了他的脸。A spasm of pain contorted his face.

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他曲解了文件的正确含义。He contorted the document out of its proper meaning.

意莱莎来到房门口,哭得肿脸膀腮的。Eliza appeared in the door, her face contorted by sweeping.

他们的语言组织可能会扭曲,很难理解。Their way of speaking may become contorted and hard to follow.

或者说,在一片痉挛的疆域中存在着几个扭曲的孔。In other words, there exists in this convulsed realm, several contorted holes.

皮特发现妹妹弄坏了自己的电脑后很生气。Peter's face contorted with rage when he found out his sister had broken his laptop computer.

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跨栏赛跑需要在快速的冲刺中拉伸和扭曲整个身体。Hurdling is something that involves my whole body being stretched and contorted in quick bursts.

他那扭曲痛苦的脸部表情,清楚地表明这个男孩刚刚穿过了地狱。From the contorted look of anguish on his face, it was clear the boy had just walked through hell.

而且无线上网技术还让我们不妨在任何地址使用笔记本电脑──床上、地板上──状貌也不妨千奇百怪。And WiFi connections let us use laptops anywhere--in bed, on the floor--in all kinds of contorted positions.

而且无线上网技术还让我们可以在任何地方使用笔记本电脑──床上、地板上──姿势也可以千奇百怪。And WiFi connections let us use laptops anywhere -- in bed, on the floor -- in all kinds of contorted positions.

为了方便搬运,这些木乃伊在五个世纪之前曾被绑在一起,于是呈现出扭曲的姿态来。Five centuries ago, these mummies were bound into bundles, which resulted in contorted poses but made them easier to carry.

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唐望扭曲成邪恶的脸孔说,年轻人宣布他决定要葫芦。Don Juan contorted his face again into a devilish grin and said that the young man declared that he wanted to have the gourds.

这一切都是作者本人曲折而痛苦的感情经历在扭曲状态下的流露与体现。All these are the revealment and embodiments of the distressed and complicated emotional experiences under the contorted state.

她在镜头前面,将她的身体做出不可思议的动作与造型,并且她愿意再做一次,为了让照片拍的更好。She twisted and contorted her body into incredible shapes for my lens and was happy to do it again to make it look even better.

不论下肢怎样扭曲,一定要保持上半身的平衡,正对篮筐。No matter how twisted and contorted your lower body may be, you must make sure to square up your upper body towards the basket.

长时间运行后其管束发生了扭曲及变形,需要更换。After several years circulated, the tube bundle of external catalyst cooler was contorted and metamorphosed and should be replaced.

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我想知道她那边实际上听到的是什么样子,到底被我这里微弱的WiFi信号毁掉多少,正如她那美丽的脸庞经常变成一堆像素杂点一样。I wonder how much she actually heard and how much was garbled by my weak Wi-Fi, her beautiful face often contorted into a mess of pixels.

景观天花板由回忆的涟漪所扭曲,产生了一种显然的特征,抽象地描绘了法国风土的宽度。Contorted by reminiscent ripples, the «landscape ceiling» casts a striking feature that abstractly depicts the widebreadth of France's terroirs.

中国古代的喜剧美具有一种崇生意识的原始基因,但其受到了封建正统文化的长期压抑和扭曲。There is an primal gene of apotheosis of life in ancient Chinese comedies, but it was chronically oppressed and contorted by feudal orthodox culture.