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出售专利权,使用权,并提供技术支持。We sell patent right and usufruct of RIAF, and provide tech support.

不动产租赁权是用益物权,是传统民法上之地上权和准物权。The leasehold of real estate is the usufruct and special real right in China.

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划拨土地使用权制度形成于计划经济年代。The system of usufruct of allotted land was formed in planned economic times.

城市房屋所有权与国有土地使用权均应受到法律保护。Both the urban house ownership and public domain usufruct should be legally protected.

使用“农村土地使用权”这一称谓要比土地承包权更为严谨、科学。The term of rural land usufruct is more logical and more scientific than that of land contract.

土地使用权与地上建筑物所有权是房地产法学的热点问题之一。The usufruct of land and buildings' ownership is one of hot topics in law science of real estate.

在比较国外用益物权立法的基础上,构建我国的用益物权制度。On the basis that more foreign usufruct legislates , structure the usufruct system of our country.

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土地获取后项目的策划、设计和工程施工对房地产开发项目的成本费用影响较大。After usufruct obtained, project scheme, design, and construction will have an impact on project cost.

本文沿着科斯的思路,把企业理解为一种人力资本使用权交易的粘性组织。Following Coase's idea, we define the firm as a coherent organization for transaction of human capital usufruct.

并且进一步拓宽了经营管理权,完善了处置权并确保收益权。Furthermore, the reform leads to broaden the management right, to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct.

第四十条所有权人有权在自己的不动产或者动产上设立用益物权和担保物权。Article 40 On their own immovables or movables, owners shall have the right to create usufruct and security interest.

不动产收益权质押作为一种新型金融业务,体现着新型的法律关系。Hypothecate loan of usufruct from immovable properties is a brand new financial business, which implies a new legal nexus.

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农地使用权流转已成为当前农村土地使用制度改革的一项重要课题。At present, the transfer of usufruct of plow lands has already become an important subject for the rural lands system reform.

我国经过20多年的土地有偿使用法律制度的实践,已经在事实上将土地使用权置于一个独立物权法律地位。In China, after 20 years of onerous use of land, usufruct has been admitted in fact as having a separate real right status in law.

通过对划拨土地使用权制度的制度整合与创新,建立新型的土地利用“双轨制”。By the integration and reform of the system of usufruct of allotted land, the newly dual system of land-use will soon be established.

雇佣劳动的本质就是劳动力直接使用权的收益权不能实现,劳动者不能参与利润分配,完全是为雇主的利益进行劳动。The essence of employed labor is the one the benefit right of labor-force direct usufruct of the labor-force owner can′t get realized.

新设立的建设用地使用权,不得损害已设立的用益物权。The newly created right to the use of land for construction shall not infringe on the usufruct which has already been created thereon.

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居住权滥殇于罗马法,与使用权、用益权一起构成了罗马法上人役权的法律框架体系。Dwelling right comes from Rome law, Dwelling right, the right to use and usufruct consists of the legal System of servitudes in Rome law.

现代用益权较之传统用益权在客体、内容、基本功能等方面都发生了较大的变化。Compared with the traditional usufruct, modern usufruct has changed greatly in such aspects as object, content, basic function and others.

改革开放后,在建立土地有偿使用制度的同时,也继续沿用了划拨土地使用权制度。After the era of reform, while establishing the system of compensated use of land, the system of usufruct of allotted land is still in use.