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在坚硬的电视外壳下面的其实是腐烂的内芯。In a nutshell TV is lame!

果壳裹着果仁。The nutshell includes the kernel.

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基督的历史的总纲。The history of Christ in a nutshell.

简而言之,就是聚合力。This in a nutshell is the clustering force.

这是一个很大的话题,我尽量讲得简单点。It's a very big topic. I'll try to put it in a nutshell.

爱之道,简言之,在“施”而不在“受”。In a nutshell , loving someone is about giving , not receiving.

其章法多是信手拈来,随意而成,极为简括大气。The tricks are mostly handy, free from, the atmosphere is very nutshell.

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即使把我关在果壳之中,仍然自以为无限空间之王。I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space.

简单地说,眼下买进XLF是机遇与风险并存。This in a nutshell is both the opportunity and the risk to buying the XLF today.

奢谈在像我们这样的蜗居里举行晚会是多么荒唐呀!How absurd it is to talk of giving a party in such a nutshell of a house as ours!

总之,这就是那段代码,现在让我们来看看它实际上是否像所说的那样有效。That's the code in a nutshell. Now, it's time to see if it actually works as advertised.

可见在电子报内容特色的发展上,未来还有很长的一段路要走。In a nutshell , e-newspaper still has a long way to go in building its own character for content.

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概括地说,这就是“开放式街道地图”声称的与其他在线地图的比较优势。That in a nutshell is the comparative advantage that OpenStreetMap claims over other online maps.

这果壳捕捉这些变化,并且与他们很好地对知识产权法的整体结构。This Nutshell captures those changes and relates them well to the overall fabric of intellectual property law.

简略的回答是“许多”,但我不能确定您是否需要更加详细的信息,因此我将尝试扼要介绍一些重要功能。The short answer is "lots," but I'm sure you'd like a bit more detail, so I will try to put the highlights in a nutshell.

豪华大班台百乐,正规国际百家玩法,简单明了,容易上手。Hundred music of luxurious top class platform, a plate is compared to size , the left-hand seat easy to put in a nutshell.

概括来说,盖屋顶包括覆盖房子的椽或梁,它们和干芦苇与麦秆一起构成了房顶的骨架。Well, in a nutshell. Thathcing involves covering the beams or rafters, the wooden skeleton of a roof, with reads or straw.

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在一个极小的住家,自愿简单化是少消费,更快乐,抵制盲目攀比。In a nutshell , downshifting is about less consumption, being happier for it and the rejection of "keeping up with the Jones's".

本文就激光的特性、KTP绿激光的发展及医学临床应用做一简要概述。In this paper, the laser characteristics, the development of KTP green laser and the medicine clinical practice were outlined in a nutshell.

一场巨大的风暴袭击了这艘船,惊天巨浪将脆弱的船身像贝壳一样撬开。A terrible storm fell on the ship, and supernatural titanic waves crashed against the frail skiff, opening its hull as if it were a nutshell.