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这是我的死亡挽歌。This is my elegy.

他仓皇出逃,一路悲歌。He fled in panic, all the way Elegy.

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你不知道那歌手吗?怨曲女王啊?Don't you know the singer? The queen of elegy?

颤抖口巴,挽歌己为你宣唱!Shiver, the elegy has already sung for you declaring!

寂寞挽歌催、谁让孤独亵读了深闺?。The lonely elegy urges, who let profane lonely read the boudoir?

现在回想起来,发觉那晚都没有一首是“好心分手”之类的悲歌。In retrospect, found no one that night was "Unique Beat" sort of elegy.

随着岁月的流逝,就是“挽歌”对读者心灵的强大慰藉的重要性。What matters to readers, over time, is the power of "Elegy" to console.

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在第一悲歌有两个独白从两个不同的发言者。In the first elegy there are two monologues from two different speakers.

因此田园挽歌的形式是很固定的。So we have in the pastoral elegy a generic form that's highly predictable.

第二章,探讨笳与中古挽歌的关系。The second chapter explores the relationship between Jia and Medieval Elegy.

它栖息在灵魂之中,唱著无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope.

这与六朝文士对于生死大化的挽歌情结十分相似。This is similar to the elegy complex of the intellectuals during the Six Dynasties.

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问题的答案,在于这首挽歌的中心意义。The answer to the question, I think, gets at the very heart of the meaning of this elegy.

作者为傻子的悲剧命运唱了一曲荡气回肠的挽歌。The writer sings an elegy of concuss the spirit returns to bowel for fool's tragedy destiny.

时间远离了从前,仿佛写满了悲歌。佳人垂泪,只为盼君归来。Time away from the past, as if full of elegy written. I hope you cry, just beautiful return.

弥尔顿这首悼亡诗最显著的特点是,它是一首田园挽歌。Now the most distinguishing feature of Milton's elegy is the fact that it's a pastoral elegy.

行为挽歌与诗体挽歌的交织使挽歌在魏晋绽放出奇美的色彩。The elegy has deed and poem which make it show very beautiful color in Wei and Jin Dynasties.

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詹姆斯Archambeault的历史肯塔基州是摄影文中我们的文化风景优美的瑰宝。James Archambeault's Historic Kentucky is a photographic elegy to the scenic treasures of our culture.

天上的雪花无声无息的飘洒着,似一曲沉静的生命挽歌更似一段热情的生命礼赞。Heaven silent Piaosa a snowflake, it is a quiet life Elegy more like the life of a section of warm praise.

究其原因,有燕赵慷慨悲歌的文化精神影响和受地缘文化影响。The reason is that the novels have the Yanzhao generous elegy cultural spirit and regional culture influence.