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作出不符合运动精神的行为而令对手受到伤害的。Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent.

没运动风度的球迷发出的噪声,使我们的明星球员失去镇定,结果接连两次罚球都没罚中。The unsportsmanlike noises of the fans so unnerved our star player that he missed two foul shots in a row.

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不光彩的举动不一定违法,但是为多数运动员和观众所不齿。Unsportsmanlike conduct is not necessarily illegal, but is frowned upon by the majority of both players and spectators.

如果有球员不愿意参加新闻发布会,那么他的行为将被视作违反体育道德的行为。In case that a player doesn't want to take part in a press conference he will be considered as part of unsportsmanlike behaviour.

一个没有运动员风度的选手在即将被打败时,常常会发脾气,并且在一气之下输掉比赛,像被宠坏的小孩一样。An unsportsmanlike player will often get into a temper when he is being defeated, and throw the game away in a pet, like a spoilt child.

除了一些不幸的事件和轻微违反体育精神的表现外,这次奥运会高水准的比赛实在带给我们不少兴奋。Other than a few unfortunate incidences and minor unsportsmanlike conducts, this Olympics brought an excitement from the high level of competitions.

通常来说对违背体育精神行为的罚则裁判可通过他对选手犯规行为的判断而进行调整。Thee normal penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct is the same as for a serious foul, but the referee may impose a penalty depending on his judgment of the conduct.

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比赛开始后任何欲以移除护目镜或耳罩来获得竞争优势的企图将被视为没有运动家精神的举动。Any attempts to gain a competitive advantage by removing the safety glasses or ear protectors after the course of fire has commenced shall be considered unsportsmanlike conduct.

没有公正的使用这些规则的球员根据行为守则视为没有运动员精神,但是只有在非常确定的情况下才能使用。Players who do not fairly follow these procedures can be subject to the Unsportsmanlike Conduct provision of the Code of Conduct, but this should only be used in clear situations.

法国著名球员齐达内在比赛时毫无体育精神地攻击了意大利球员马科•马特拉齐,结果被球证以红牌逐离赛场。Thanks to his completely unsportsmanlike attack on Italy's Marco Materazzi late in the contest, France's star player, Zinedine Zidane, earned a red card and was ejected from the game.