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安迪尔斯上校-在阁下?。Captain Antilles. -Yes, Your Highness?

库拉索岛是主岛荷属安的列斯群岛。Curacao is the main island of the Netherlands Antilles.

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然而,第三个热带波在小安的列斯群岛东面。Yet a third tropical wave is east of the Lesser Antilles.

这个小岛在荷兰的安的列斯群岛没有少于365的泳滩游泳。This small island in the Dutch Antilles has no less than 365 beaches.

荷属安的列斯群岛的首府,在库拉索岛的南部海岸。The capital of the Netherlands Antilles , on the southern coast of Cura?ao.

然而,遇战疯人的入侵把安蒂列斯又带回战场。The Yuuzhan Vong invasion, however, brought Antilles back out of retirement.

马提尼克岛,位于安的列斯群岛中的向风群岛的最北部。Martinique, Netherlands Antilles located in the Windward Islands of the most northern.

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荷属安的列斯选手马丁纳排名第二,美国人克劳福德获第三。Churandy Martina of Netherlands Antilles finished second and Shawn Crawford of the US third.

它迅速传播到了安的列斯群岛,并在1520年前蔓延遍及墨西哥大陆。The disease moved quickly to the Antilles islands and spread through the Mexican Mainland by 1520.

在靠近萨巴的荷兰安的列斯群岛处,一只玳瑁龟正的海洋避难所的海底上方滑翔。A hawksbill turtle glides just above the floor of a marine sanctuary near Saba, Netherlands Antilles.

加勒比海南部荷属安的列斯群岛中的一个岛屿,位于委内瑞拉西北海岸外。An island of the Netherlands Antilles in the southern Caribbean Sea off the northwest coast of Venezuela.

宽,缓慢移动的飓风艾琳开始组织在加勒比海小安的列斯群岛。Wide, slow-moving Hurricane Irene began to organize over the Lesser Antilles Islands in the Caribbean Sea.

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这是加勒比海地区开曼群岛伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的一个岛国。It is a nation on the island of Hispaniola, part of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region.

霍斯战役后,安蒂列斯重组了这支精英战斗机飞行中队,并被晋升为指挥官,即侠盗队长。After Hoth, Antilles reorganized the elite fighter pilot group and was promoted to Commander, or Rogue Leader.

加勒比海岛屿,位于安的列斯群岛尾端的另一端,可以对比着来研究。The Caribbean islands, which lie just beyond the tail end of the Windward Antilles , are a study in contrasts.

在它的一些海外的部分,法国也对股票的陆地边界与巴西,苏里南,荷属安的列斯群岛。In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles.

其海外的一些地区,法国也股价与巴西接壤,苏里南,荷属安的列斯群岛。In some of its overseas parts, France also shares land borders with Brazil, Suriname, and the Netherlands Antilles.

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巴巴多斯是小安的列斯群岛东部的一个岛国,布里奇顿是它的首都。Bridgetown is the capital city of the island nation Barbados, located to the east of the Lesser Antilles Island chain.

魏吉·安提列斯参与了新共和对邦多雷兹档案馆的突袭,试图找到有关这位元帅的情报。Wedge Antilles participated in a New Republic raid on the Boudolayz archives, trying to find information on the admiral.

这类展览馆曾在坎昆、格林纳达群岛和小安的列斯群岛开放,也在伦敦的河底开放过。Such museums are opened in Cancun, in Grenada Islands, in Lesser Antilles Islands but also on the bottom of a river in London.