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所有类型都是匿名的。All types are anonymous.

找齐4种类型鸡蛋。Find all 4 types of eggs.

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需要2分用户类型。Requires 2 sub-user types.

有两类ADT药物治疗。There are two types of ADT.

存在哪几种备份类型。What backup types there are.

这儿应该是运算类型。It expected arithmetic types.

可能的审计类型列表。List of possible audit types.

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支持枚举类型。Support for enumerated types.

火山作用和火山的种类。Volcanism and volcanic types.

属是植物分类单位。Divisions are types of plants.

我喜欢这些种类的书籍。I lomm-e these types of books.

支持所有类型的斜盘。Supports all swashplate types.

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水养植物有两大类。Water for two types of plants.

潜行者有几个种类。Stalkers come in several types.

明溪的石榴石有两种类型。There are two types of garnets.

并不存在类型的层次结构。There is no hierarchy of types.

存储类型的数据生命周期Data life cycle of storage types

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将用户按类型分区。Partition your users into types.

宣誓的类型有几种。Thereare several types of oaths.

可由用户定义的需求类型User-definable requirement types