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夏奇拉和黑眼豆豆合唱团将成为开幕式的亮点。Sharia and the Black Eyed Peas were the highlights.

我猜土耳其军队是不想被伊斯兰教法限制。I guess the Turks military doesn't want tobe confined by Sharia law.

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对于阿卜杜拉来说,伊斯兰法意味着回归到更稳定、更有序的过去。For Abdullah, sharia meant a return to a more stable and ordered past.

在英国,伊斯兰宗教法庭现已正式成为英国司法系统的一部分。In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system.

如果阿富汗的那群人想在伊斯兰教法下生活,那就让他们那样活着。If a bunch of people in Afghanistan want to live under Sharia Law, then let them.

我们已经和伊斯兰法一起走过了上百年——在伊德里斯国王和其他时期都是如此。We have lived with sharia for a hundred years and before—under King Idris and other times.

亚尔琴卡亚还指控这个党企图用伊斯兰教规取代土耳其的政教分离体制。Yalcinkaya accused the party of seeking to replace Turkeys secular state with Sharia rule.

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若不服从青年党严厉的伊斯兰教法则可能受到恐怖的惩罚。Failure to obey Al Shabaab's strictest form of Sharia law can lead to horrific punishments.

亚尔琴卡亚还指控这个党企图用伊斯兰教规取代土耳其的政教分离体制。Yalcinkaya accused the party of seeking to replace Turkey's secular state with Sharia rule.

伊斯兰作用于公共生活的关键是伊斯兰教法及其加诸于穆斯林身上的不合理要求。Key to Islam's role in public life is Sharia and the many untenable demands it makes on Muslims.

在神权至上的国家,它强迫人们服从伊斯兰律法,有时甚至施以野蛮的刑罚。At its most theocratic, it forces people to follow sharia laws, sometimes with barbaric penalties.

允许伊斯兰教教法在斯瓦特地区强迫实施,3月18日,伊斯兰宗教法庭开始审理案件。It allows for the imposition of sharia in Swat, and on March 18, sharia courts began hearing cases.

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东北塔利尔和沙里亚·塔拉特·哈布为中心城区,是一个繁华的商业区。Northeast of Tahrir and centered on Sharia Talaat Harb is Downtown, a bustling commercial district.

东北塔利尔和伊斯兰教Talaat哈布为中心城区,是一个繁华的商业区。Northeast of Tahrir and centered on Sharia Talaat Harb is Downtown, a bustling commercial district.

西蒂的父母对这桩婚事没有异议,伊斯兰法庭也同意他们在七月份举行婚礼。Siti' parents matchmade the couple and that the Sharia court granted them permission to marry in July.

不过,这些国家的伊斯兰政党不会有足够的实力来推行类似沙特阿拉伯那样的伊斯兰法。But no Islamist party will win sufficient power to push through changes imposing Saudi-style sharia law.

沙特的大街小巷被执行伊斯兰教法的黑衣男子监管起来,抽打任何敢于表达任何自由意志的妇女。The streets are policed by black-clad men who enforce sharia law and whip women who express any free will.

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在以穆斯林为主的北方自2000年以来已逐步执行更为严格的伊斯兰教法。The predominantly Muslim north has progressively ushered in a stricter enforcement of sharia law since 2000.

伊斯兰教法系统犹如迷宫一般晦涩难行,但在一场漫长而艰苦的战斗之后,2008年,泰勒终于赢得了纳迪娅的完全监护权。After a long and difficult battle in the labyrinthine sharia legal system, Taylor won full custody of Nadia in 2008.

许多其他共和党人大声附和他的荒唐声明,说伊斯兰教法已经渗透进美国的法律制度之中。Many other Republicans have echoed his ludicrous claim that Islamic sharia law is infiltrating America’s legal system.